Motivated to quit porn and masturbation


Niclas Leister

Hey NoFap Community,

Im Niclas, 19 years old and im living in Hambourg. I want to quit looking porn videos and masturbation. I think that this community and the tools on the website will help me to achieve this goal. The reason for quitting is that im feeling not good after masturbating. I cant really concentrate after i fapped and looked a porn. In addition i want to start having a good sexlife in the real world instead of looking porn in my laptop. I want to be the best personality i can be and to reach my big goals, and fabbing is not part of the personality i want to become. So Im excited to meet people who are on this path as well and to support each other. Have a great day! :D
We're ALL on this path together, Brother! Welcome to a wonderfully supportive community full of great people and tons of information!
Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?[/QUOT
I think about my vision, my goals and about what i want to do next. And in addition i think about how i would feel if i masturbated to a porn now.
Today is a good day. I was near to watch a porn. I was already at a porn site and before, I looked at some pictures. I was very close to look a porn video. But at this moment i thought about my goals, about how i feel when i look a porn now and about nofap, that i came this far. So i stopped it, closed the website and went to other activities. Normally at this state i looked the porn with the intention not to masturbate and normally then masturbated anyway. At this time i didnt even start the porn video. So this was a huge success for me and I am still on the road to my goals to get rid of the addiction to porn and masturbation. I will restart my fap timer, because i looked at some porn pics and was on the website, which is a no-go for me and which is far enough to restart the timer, but i did not look a porn video or masturbated, for what I am really proud. I wanted to share this with you because i hope that i can inspire you to think about your goals, nofap, about how far you came and about how you will feel after the Porn/masturbation, when you are near to look a porn or to masturbate. What are you doing when you are near to look a porn or masturbate? Have a good day guys.