I was reading another thread which got me thinking about what motivates us to do or not do things. I feel that my greatest weakness is that I fail to find the proper motivation to my goals. And that if I could work out the correct motivation, I could do anything I set my mind to.
I try to lose weight because I'm told I need to do so to be healthy, or to look good. I'm told porn is bad, and so I try to stop using it. I keep reading about how I need to exercise more (or at all). Yet these reasons why are all external, I lack the internal motivation to see these changes through.
It is not a lack of willpower. I'm able to accomplish many difficult tasks (currently going back to college and getting straight A's). I gave up caffeine when I discovered I was highly sensitive to it. And trust me, there are times when I could kill for a cup of coffee. But because I have the internal motivation to accomplish these tasks, they are relatively easy.
Perhaps I do not value the goals that I fail to meet. If someone challenged me to eat nothing but celery for 90 days with nothing more than some vague promises that I'd be better for it on the other end, well I doubt I'd stick with it. On the other hand, if someone promised me $1,000,000 for the same feat, well I can all but guarantee success.
If anyone would care to share what motivates them to accomplish their goals, or what it is that they value in those goals, maybe that can help shed some light on why we succeed or fail in our own goals.
- Ozatm
PS In case anyone was wondering, you can find the thread that started the marble rolling here: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.p...-nofap-the-truth-about-this-community.149033/
I would recommend against reading it. It's mostly a rant by someone who disagrees with some of the opinions they encountered on the site. And rather than put forward their point of view in a constructive manner, they decided to say we're all idiots and they're leaving us. I must say that I kinda agree with some of their opinions, but certainly not with how they've gone about expressing them.
I try to lose weight because I'm told I need to do so to be healthy, or to look good. I'm told porn is bad, and so I try to stop using it. I keep reading about how I need to exercise more (or at all). Yet these reasons why are all external, I lack the internal motivation to see these changes through.
It is not a lack of willpower. I'm able to accomplish many difficult tasks (currently going back to college and getting straight A's). I gave up caffeine when I discovered I was highly sensitive to it. And trust me, there are times when I could kill for a cup of coffee. But because I have the internal motivation to accomplish these tasks, they are relatively easy.
Perhaps I do not value the goals that I fail to meet. If someone challenged me to eat nothing but celery for 90 days with nothing more than some vague promises that I'd be better for it on the other end, well I doubt I'd stick with it. On the other hand, if someone promised me $1,000,000 for the same feat, well I can all but guarantee success.
If anyone would care to share what motivates them to accomplish their goals, or what it is that they value in those goals, maybe that can help shed some light on why we succeed or fail in our own goals.
- Ozatm
PS In case anyone was wondering, you can find the thread that started the marble rolling here: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.p...-nofap-the-truth-about-this-community.149033/
I would recommend against reading it. It's mostly a rant by someone who disagrees with some of the opinions they encountered on the site. And rather than put forward their point of view in a constructive manner, they decided to say we're all idiots and they're leaving us. I must say that I kinda agree with some of their opinions, but certainly not with how they've gone about expressing them.