Musician Fapstronaut - Starting Today


New Fapstronaut
I am a musician and often use porn to avoid practice (some of which can produce stress/anxiety). I finally want to quit after trying (but quickly failing) many times. I've used porn since I was about 9 or 10 and it has been somewhat of a daily (at least) ordeal since then. I watch and masturbate every night before I go to sleep and, on days where I don't have to get up, do it right as I wake up. I've been in a relationship for around 3 years and my SO knows about my problem and is supportive. I can take up to 45 min to an hour when we have sex. I've invested far too much time, energy, and money on this porn habit. I've always said to myself I'd be a far better musician and person if I stopped watching and I know this to be true. I've taken some steps to block porn on my phone/computer. One issue I've noticed is that the puffin browser can navigate around most porn-blocking software. Does anyone have a fix for this? Can anyone recommend a great blocking software? It would really help. I need it to be useful for computer and phone. Thanks so much. I'm glad to be here.
Hello and welcome! :)

We are glad to have you as a part of our community. Here are some quick links to get you started.

Getting Started Guide | How to Use the NoFap Forums | Panic Button |Day Counter | Rebooting Resources|Forum Rules | Glossary

If you wish to keep a journal of your progress you can do so in the appropriate section found here

There are plenty of wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable people here to help you along on your journey to a life free of PMO. I wish you nothing but the best!
Hello Lapuerta, we are kind of in the same zone, I'm an actor and singer and I'm used to procrastinate exercise and daily tasks for porn, but trust me is horrible, I end up doing nothing and thinking I am not enough anymore so that my love an passion for the art hurts driving me crazy. I think we can be a good support for each other. you don't need a porn blocker, just a person to tell you you are strong enough to resist. I believe in you man! We can do it, for music!