My 90 Days Journey PMO

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by SigmaKappa, Jan 26, 2023.

  1. SigmaKappa

    SigmaKappa New Fapstronaut

    Hello guys!

    Today I am going to talk about my thoughts and experiences during my second-time 90Days Nofap PMO.

    My history:
    I am 24 years old. The first time I read about nofap was in April of 2020 and the whole idea fascinated me. I have been masturbating from the age of 10 I guess and I never had stopped it more than a week or two. I developed a dependance on it, I was hooked. For me fapping was the easy way. The non-sociable way of having something sexual and experiencing and having fun. Little did I know, that what I was doing at 10 was a disaster my friends. I used to listen to other guys and I used to hang out with older ones and to masturbate was a sign of masculinity. Well the results were, that I never had a relationship, I was always looking for the perfect girl who looks perfect and never realised that this thing was fake. Of course in my mind I thought the so-called actors behave that way and sex is not like that, but I never truly realised it. So in 2020 I found out about nofap and the journey began I had a lot of problems and first like relapses but I managed my first 90 Days Reboot in 2020 I believe. I had a lot of benefits that I can't express right now but these were:more energy, more mature, could fall in love easily, saw women in different way, selfconfident and healthier. After that I sadly couldn't resist and went back to porn till 2022 October.

    In the mid-time I dated a lot of women, in the last year I had at least one date with at least 8 women. So there you go the selfconfidence. In October 2022 I realised that I should stop watching porn forever. The reason was that I end up in a girl's apartement that I was dating and I couldn't get hard while having a condom. I felt devastated, for me it was so tragic. After that I said to myself, Im going back to nofap. And this time more than 90 days. So I started mid October, went through NoNutNovember, then through December and yesterday I completed the 90 Days Milestone. I relapsed today to see my reaction to porn after all this time. The results are shocking in my opinion and I think people should realise a lot of things:

    -More energy, but lasted for a month, after that I felt normal to tired, but keep in mind, during this period I got sick 2 times lasting at least 1 month and a half the first time.
    -Mature with my career: I have made a lot of thoughts in the past three months about my life and what I want to achieve. I gained two Diplomas through consistent studying and this year I am getting my Bachelors Degree. Everythings going perfect in that area.
    -More sociable. I have approached a lot of women and in NNN I approached one in my gym, we used to date in the next months and I felt in love to be honest, something that has never happen to me before. Sadly she had to leave the country and I had to stay, but it is what it is.

    These are the most important ones. Of course I had other subconscious ones but these are the main stuff.

    Now after my relapse today, what I realised:
    Porn is a fucking addiction. The hardest one. Porn is a fake, it's not real, it has nothing to do with reality what so ever and I am wondering why not other people have realised that and are still so addicted. It can damage your brain for sure, believing that that's how you approach women and that's how they behave. Totally false. It makes you lonelier and lonelier, while creating a miserable life. After watching porn I realied that it was just images,videos and I didn't really get aroused by watching it. I believe the time where I used to watch porn is over me, because I realised that the real thing is way better and it's out there.

    Sorry the long story, if you have any questions I am happy to answer them.
