My findom addiction


New Fapstronaut
Hello to everyone,

I am here for asking help to someone who is in the same situation of mine, or simply to talk a bit about my situation and don't keep it just for me. I am sorry if I do some grammar mistake, but I am not an English mother tongue speaker.

This problem started 2-3 years ago while I was watching porn. At the time I had any idea about the findom existence, and when I saw a random video about it, a whole new word has been shown to me, and the sad thing is that I felt that was something that, unconsciously, I was craving for, like the right fetish for me.

Talking about my porn addiction it was not the highest ever, but my fap frequency by the way high. I started with soft porn and I conclude with bdsm and then findom. When I reached the findom level, in the beginning I was just enjoying watching on line video about it and fap meanwhile. Then I started to watch for findomme on facebook groups or in instagram and fantasizing about the domme in front of my eyes. The next step was contacting them, talking with them and than fade straigth away. The next level as you can imagine was to pay them.. Luckily, despite a lot of other people, I spent in total 30 euros in 2 times, so in this case I feel really lucky..Since I started loooking for dommes on internet I have stopped to watch porn.

So, what is bringing me here? I am totally obsessed about submitting myself to a girl in this way even if this is letting me feel like a worm. I still look obsessed to find the right sweet domme for me, contacting them, fading away etc.. It is like a vicious circle wave, some time I don't think to mutch about it, sometimes like now is obsessing me but I know that even if I feel better my fetish still there.. there is no escape, or at list I can not find it. I read stories about financial slaves where they really have spent huge ammounts of money and had ruined their life. Even if I still have not reach that point, I mentally feel like them: BROKE!

Had any of you experienced that? Of course my sexual life it is not really good even if I am not the ugliest guy ever etc.. I am 29 yo and I am a bit ensicure and shy..this is totally fucking up my life.. I don't know where to ask help because I really feel ashamed abut it and nobody really knows what it is or especially what there is beside of it..

Thank you for reading this, I am opened to suggestion or just to talking with someone about it. I really feel an huge rock over me.

Probably a litany of reasons as to why you go into this one is probably getting bored with regular porn and the promise or idea of this kind of porn getting you off. Maybe it's a way to deal with how bad porn makes u feel at least after and in this fetish you turn the bad feelings upside down and try to get off on them.

Whatever the case. It's a poisonous habit. It's a big lie that gives nothing in return and causes massive damage to you. Not just the financial but to your emotional and mental well-being. Seeing yourself as a subservient slave piece of garbage and getting off on it is damaging and unhealthy. You are mentally ill and your brain has tricked you into seeing this filth as desirable, but it's purely negative and you have to stop doing it.

When you stop doing it the desire for it will dissipate. The more you stop such as not thinking about it at all, no fantasies, etc and the longer you stop the more it will dissipate and the clearer you will see how lame disgusting and purely negative the fetish is and it will not be appealing to you anymore. Of course, at first there will be cravings but over time they will subside

While it may trigger you depending on how far gone you are but watching some video of some lame feminists acting all crazy may give you second thoughts about being a subservient bitch [ which is also conditioning you to homosexuality] to one of these creatures.

************Trigger warning*************

Also, keep in mind that the end game of the fetish is homosexuality, transgenderism and of course suicide

Not a trigger for sane people but for some of the mentally ill it is.
No such thing as a nice, sweet domme.

They don't care about you. All they want is your cash. Your sweet, tax-free cash. Everything they give you free is to get you hooked so you wind up paying later.

However, don't beat yourself up. You know this is wrong, and that's why you're stopping. It cost you 60 Euros to cure your problem. Look at it that way.
Totally have the same issues. Haven't spent any money but the same genre has had me hooked for years. It's like the worst type to be addicted to in my opinion because the girls totally degrade you, make you feel embarrassed and talk about how you're addicted to them etc. Viewing porn is degrading to begin with but this type of stuff makes you feel even worse and messes with your sexuality even more than most genres. (I mean think about it, we are getting off to a clothed girl basically saying we are losers and they deserve our money more than we do.) The longer I go without pmo the less I think about that type of stuff in real life. One week makes a difference. Hopefully once we get up to 30 and 90 days and beyond our minds will be totally cleaned. I was into this type of shit when I was younger, I was just never introduced to stuff like humiliation pov and findom until I was older. It was playing off a fetish I already had. I'm hoping that getting over this will give people like you and me the confidence to not be attracted to this type of thing eventually.
Totally have the same issues. Haven't spent any money but the same genre has had me hooked for years. It's like the worst type to be addicted to in my opinion because the girls totally degrade you, make you feel embarrassed and talk about how you're addicted to them etc. Viewing porn is degrading to begin with but this type of stuff makes you feel even worse and messes with your sexuality even more than most genres. (I mean think about it, we are getting off to a clothed girl basically saying we are losers and they deserve our money more than we do.) The longer I go without pmo the less I think about that type of stuff in real life. One week makes a difference. Hopefully once we get up to 30 and 90 days and beyond our minds will be totally cleaned. I was into this type of shit when I was younger, I was just never introduced to stuff like humiliation pov and findom until I was older. It was playing off a fetish I already had. I'm hoping that getting over this will give people like you and me the confidence to not be attracted to this type of thing eventually.

Thanks for your reply..It is conforting that someone feel or has felt the same ***** in a certain period of his life.. In this wave when I am totally in, I just feel that is normal in life to act in this way, even if rationally I know it isn't! there are also quite long periods of 10 days for example, where I am totally out of this and I realize more how shit it is..but everything finish, and I go back in the same addiction somehow.. It is........... and why nobody talks about this? It is like could be a drug addiction or a play addiction..I have never had such a huge problem... If I can ask you, is this bothering you now? How did you get out from it? Is there not a "allen Carr - the easy way to stop findom" ?? LOL
No such thing as a nice, sweet domme.

They don't care about you. All they want is your cash. Your sweet, tax-free cash. Everything they give you free is to get you hooked so you wind up paying later.

However, don't beat yourself up. You know this is wrong, and that's why you're stopping. It cost you 60 Euros to cure your problem. Look at it that way.

Yes I am totally agree..the problem is that I rationally know that it is wrong and that all they want are my tax free cash.. but still...... And what I have noticed is that also some dommes don't really know what they are doing because they are so young.. what can a 18 girl think or realize when act like that, excited for the easy moneys? I also saw even yunger girls on social and this is sad, young boys that do homeworks for them (ok that I've found it funny, because in a long tearm they will learn more compared to their dommes lol) but still ... I hope this ugly thing will become more known so that there will be more weapons and less shame to each and everyone about it! Thank you for your reply!!
It might be a turn on depending on how fucked up/ depraved you have gotten, but realize you are supporting the vilest most disgusting segment of humanity. These are the biggest lowlifes in existence. Morally these people are garbage, they are disgusting people. I don't want to go on about Eugenic type crap, but girls wear makeup there is nothing special about these dommes, in fact, they are on the other side of the spectrum. They are fucked up mentally deranged idiots that prey on vulnerable people for greed, and possibly power trips [ a fake feeling of importance] and perhaps sadism [ again a fake feeling of importance.

The whole fetish is interesting from a psychological perspective because it is bizarre! How people got/get to that state is interesting. I think part of it is idolizing sex and women and putting too much value on them. Obviously, sex/wank addiction is part of it. Also emptiness maybe due to lack of religion, faith, purpose. And quite likely abuse and the mind contorting the experience to sexualize or get off on abuse.

As someone said " The mind is a great servant, but a terrible master"
Probably a litany of reasons as to why you go into this one is probably getting bored with regular porn and the promise or idea of this kind of porn getting you off. Maybe it's a way to deal with how bad porn makes u feel at least after and in this fetish you turn the bad feelings upside down and try to get off on them.

Whatever the case. It's a poisonous habit. It's a big lie that gives nothing in return and causes massive damage to you. Not just the financial but to your emotional and mental well-being. Seeing yourself as a subservient slave piece of garbage and getting off on it is damaging and unhealthy. You are mentally ill and your brain has tricked you into seeing this filth as desirable, but it's purely negative and you have to stop doing it.

When you stop doing it the desire for it will dissipate. The more you stop such as not thinking about it at all, no fantasies, etc and the longer you stop the more it will dissipate and the clearer you will see how lame disgusting and purely negative the fetish is and it will not be appealing to you anymore. Of course, at first there will be cravings but over time they will subside

While it may trigger you depending on how far gone you are but watching some video of some lame feminists acting all crazy may give you second thoughts about being a subservient bitch [ which is also conditioning you to homosexuality] to one of these creatures.

************Trigger warning*************

Also, keep in mind that the end game of the fetish is homosexuality, transgenderism and of course suicide

Not a trigger for sane people but for some of the mentally ill it is.

Thanks a lot for you reply, I will keep it in consideration, I really wanted to share it because since 3 years nobody ha knew about this part of me..when I have a period where I am out of it I clearly see how disgusting it is.. but somehow I always go back to the same addiction.. I really hope this *** will be more known to people so that anyone will have more weapons against it, because it let you feel weaponless.. Thanks for your reply!!
I to have had experience with findomme porn and to echo what others have said they offer you with free things and when you're hooked they start demanding money. Over a period of several months split into 2 occasions I've been sucked in by it and spent a ridiculous amount of money on it. Deep down I knew it was stupid and didn't want to but I felt like a gambling addict in a casino I couldn't stop. It's not really a fetish I've ever enjoyed it's the humiliation aspect of it for me and the attention I got from them. Trust me it's not worth it at all. What saved me from it was one day I opened my bank account and looked at all the transactions I'd made for findomme and I was horrified of the damage. My bank had even sent a letter asking me to get in touch with the credit card company to make sure my card wasn't stolen. I felt embarrassed having to say I'd made those weird and suspicious purchases myself. The credit card person could easily have looked up to see where the money was going and I know they can't say anything but the embarrassment and shame I felt about it really sobered me up on it. Every so often I get the urge to go back to where I spent the moment and tell them I'm free of them but that's what they want so that they can lure you in again. The only way to beat them is to stay away from them for good. Sorry for the wall of text
Had a stint in findom and have some interesting experiences.

Mostly what managed to help me kill it off was getting to know a couple of dommes and understanding the way they see subs. Basically as totally non sexual and a source of income. They don’t enjoy it like they make out - it really is just a scam.

Happy to chat!