My introduction.



Greetings fellow Fapstronauts!
Quite recently I embarked on a very difficult but glorious quest,to overcome my addiction to pornographic imagery and masturbation. Unfortunately in my case,pornography and masturbation affected me severely. From the age of eleven 11 I was addicted,all of that soon started to influence my mood swings,energy,erections and overall quality of life.

I have many times been asked by girls themselves to become their boyfriend but due to my disinterest in them,I rejected all of them. So yes,I've never had any problems with dating or girls but rather lack an interest in such endeavors due to my current interests and perhaps even age (I am 16).

Naturally though,that doesn't mean that I do not want to become a father. I wish to find a traditional lady and have many children with her. Based on my ideals I wish to be an honourable example to my children but also a good husband to my lady,I wish to build a man without addictions and generally without a great amount of negative qualities.

For one to do such a thing,he (or she) must train himself,prioritise himself,learn about the true quality of discipline and practice it,educate himself,become independent,and overall upgrade his mental and physical state of being.

And that is why I am exercising,why I am putting an end to masturbation,pornography and other such activities which worsen my physical and/or mental condition.


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Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
Thank you for replying my good fellow. I am truly grateful for being amongst individuals with more or less the same tasks as me.

My strategy is simple but yet very effective. I avoid any contact with pornographic imagery and if I do get tempted,I distract myself.
In extension to the previous,I am a very steadfast individual. I am the kind of individual who is going to set a goal based on his ideals and the next day he is going to work on accomplishing it.

That of course doesn't mean that it is not difficult sometimes,but I am used to controlling my actions. I think the most important aspect of my strategy to annihilate PMO and other such addictions is discipline. Being able to reprogram yourself through psychological preparation is also an another important aspect.