My job requires the internet.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ChangeofDavid, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. ChangeofDavid

    ChangeofDavid Fapstronaut

    I find myself every day in need of a new tutorial.
    Sometimes I have to sit at a computer for two hours
    just watching a demonstration of a skill or technique I wish to acquire.

    All of the tutorials are art related to skill acquisition,

    Then though something about being at a computer
    for a really long time, makes me think of porn..

    Maybe its the fact that when I first started to PMO
    at age twelve, I used a computer,
    or maybe I just get plain bored.

    Is there a good way around this problem right now
    when I'm just trying to quit?

    Also is there any habit that watching porn can be replaced with
    successfully? I have trouble thinking of a good replacement habit
    when I'm feeling bored and/or lonely..
    and last but not least, do you feel different when you don't masturbate?
  2. napionder

    napionder Fapstronaut

    I'm an online marketer. Sometimes I work with others, but mostly I work at home, by myself. I can watch porn all day long, and no one would notice. I'm getting close to the 90 day mark and not once has this been a problem. The only thing I did was to make sure that sites that I visit regularly contain no stimulating images (eg facebook and other social networks). In the past I also blocked porn sites, but this time I didn't.
    The only thing I did different this time was to find a good reason to do nofap. I wrote down where I wanted to go in my life and who I wanted to be. That gave me enough power to stay away from the bad stuff.
  3. ChangeofDavid

    ChangeofDavid Fapstronaut

    I really appreciate it Aziz. I truthfully would like more will power throughout the day, and once I watched the Ted video on Porn I ended up here. Hopefully I can start going to the batting cages and try to get back into sports.

    To napionder: I first think you must have worked really hard to make it 81 days. I'll take note of sites like face book, some Ads on it can be extremely eye popping and sexual. I read a few books about staying motivated, but did not realize how powerful an effect porn really had until I stumbled onto the mental conditions caused by porn. I think this community might serve as a effective new habit in preventing me from fapping off. I really want a long term goal.

    Also, I have trouble with my cellphone.. I don't think I'm going to use it in my room for a while.