My Journey - First time post - Possible trigger warning


New Fapstronaut
Hello, this is my first post. Thank you for allowing me into this community. I hope that I am posting in the right place. This is a long one, so hopefully you have time to read this. I’m in search of a group to keep me accountable and true. This all started at a very young age. I have been a crossdresser my entire life. It started at age three or four. I have very few memories of it. Fast forward, to the late 90s. I remember my first time at a very young age (maybe 6 or 7) looking at naked girls on the World Wide Web. Fast forward a year or two, my friend and I would get on AOL and talk to girls (or what we thought were girls, it was probably a sexual predator) I started looking at lesbian porn. Around puberty, crossdressing and MO became connected. It became a sexual thrill for me. I would use my sisters clothes for satisfaction (gross, I know). This all seemed very normal to me at the time.

This went on for years. I would use my moms makeup to practice every night while I was in the bathroom waiting for the tub to fill up. I would become feminine. It eventually became a turn on for me to see myself this way. Keep in mind, I’ve always been enamored with girls, the hopeless romantic, very much heterosexual. Fast forward to age 16. My mother finds my stash of clothes I’ve stolen from people I know. Hidden under my bed. She shamed me, humiliates me, tells me there’s something wrong with me and that I need to be fixed. Sends me to counseling, puts a monitoring service on my computer at home. I was dead set on committing suicide. I couldn’t live with the guilt any humiliation. She told my dad. Thank god for him. He said no matter what that he would always love me, and nothing would ever change that. Sometime between puberty and adulthood, I started watching transsexual porn. MTF on mtf, group transgendered person stuff and the like. Fast forward to age 18. I made my first online profile on a cd/tg support site. I started mastering my transformation ability. By this time, I could transform myself into looking like a passable woman. When I was 21 I met the woman who is now my wife. The dressing subsided but it was still there. I came out to her about it a year into our relationship. She took it hard, but eventually was accepting. I would dress when she wasn’t around. Would lie about how I felt about it. I would continue to watch transsexual porn on and off. This continued to make on transsexual porn. Keep in mind that I was still very incredibly deeply in love with my girlfriend (now wife). We got engaged, built a home together. The pressures of family drama, home ownership, general problems got the best of us. We called off the engagement. I dated around. Met a girl, seemed to the be total package. I told her about my secret. Long story short she turned out to be a psycho and held this secret against me, I ended up wasting two years of my life. During this period I would dress up, get on the computer and cam chat with anyone who was interested. The rush that was provided when someone expressed interest in my feminine side was unmatched to anything yet. I believe that the escalation in graphic depth of porn is what led to this. Fast forward, my wife and I reunite. Everything is normal in the first year, not much dressing, very little porn. First year of our marriage, financial stresses make me want to dress more. I discovered the dark world of instagram and the admiring following. I made an online profile, instantly gaining a couple thousand followers. A common thing amongst the tg/cd community are wishlists. I had a guy start purchasing things off my wishlist and sending them to the house. I would try them on and post online photos of them on my Instagram. This guy got satisfaction from this. Looking back I am absolutely disgusted with myself from this behavior. After a couple months of this I deleted it. A year went by. My marriage, stronger than ever, like some kind of idiot, I made an account again. Same thing, a lot of followers, paired with my desperation for validation. I hate the Instagram community and what it does the human race. I hate what it does to women. I have such strong morals and values. I’ve allowed this ugly side of my to take over and destroy them. My wife was guessing that something was up, went through my phone four days ago. She found evidence of this profile. She was incredibly angry, and still is. As she should be. I had to come clean about everything. She is disgusted with me. I’m disgusted, ashamed, humiliated. I am begging for her mercy, and trying to patch things together. My first step in this is improving myself. Fixing myself. In the past five years I have distanced myself from the church community, and god. I have not had the relationship that I used to. I don’t think that it’s coincidental that this behavior started at a time when I was away from all of that. I am on a 90 day journey to become the best man I can be. The best husband I can be. Change my ways of selfishness. Give back to the world. Erase my wants and desires of worldly validation and attention. I understand that I have a sickness. I have purged all of my dressing items. I know that the temptation and desire to dress will return. I will have to deal with that at some point. For now I need to understand why. I am seeing a counselor / therapist that specializes in this. I am stopping the use of weed/alcohol during this time. I have understood and taken responsibility for my actions. For betraying my wife, breaking her trust. I have never been anyone to not be trusted. I seldomly lie, cheat, or anything of that nature. I believe the escalation of porn use over the course of my life has miswired my brain into thinking incorrectly and changing some of my deep internal morals. I need to reset this. I need a community to hold me accountable during this time. I need to prove to myself and more importantly to my loving, understanding, beautiful wife that I can be a better man. Hopefully one day she can accept me back and trust me. Until then I have to continue battling to be the best I can. I appreciate you reading , and more importantly I appreciate the help and support in advance. I look forward to continuing this journey. This is day number two for me.

Thank you
Hey @90daynewlife, first off, welcome to the community. Glad to have you here. We are all on our own journeys, with struggles of our own. Your confessions and humility are very powerful and it sounds like a great first step for you to have said all that.

It is a good idea that you are seeing a counselor / therapist. That would be the first short answer from me. Make sure you continue this even if your marriage falls apart and potentially, more problems arise. Just keep working on yourself with help from a pro.

One thing I think it would be good to focus on is, this needs to be a lifetime/lifestyle change for you. The 90 day reboot idea is relative. Getting through the 90 days will be a major achievement, no doubt. But keep in mind that it may only be a first step.

Another comment I feel like mentioning is, do this for yourself first. I am currently going through a divorce, and have tried my best to fix things, but I also feel like part of the problem has been that I've been coming off as doing this all for her and not me. It likely has come off as less than genuine, and she has been suspicious the whole time.

You're clearly in shock, which is very understandable. But honestly, it reads a lot like, you are sorry cuz you got caught. Now maybe on a subconscious level, you wanted to get caught, which is natural as far as I can tell, for a lot of us. But at some point, you need to make sure to remember to love yourself. You are who you are. PMO is an addiction, like any other drug. We can rise above it and be better than what it does to us, but loving ourselves for who we are, as an addict is critical. No matter what happens, love yourself.

Good luck and remain active here. Read up on Nofap documentation too. That helped me at least.
Thank you, sorry I missed your response. I am just now revisiting this. My wife has came around and she has been very supportive. I have been P,M, alcohol, weed, all substances sober since June 6th. I have not dressed up. This has been a great sense of accomplishment. We are working together to encounter my desires, as I have been honest and upfront when they arise. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to me and tell me your story. I hope the best for you, and appreciate your insight on loving oneself. I need to stay mindful of the slippery slope dressing can be. Part of me wants to start again, but I know that being an addict, I can want more and more and end up in the same place if I don't be careful.

I’m single never married. Hope you don’t mind me commenting despite being single.

I escalated into wearing women’s undies and can relate to the thrill of it. There was a thrill with shopping for it online, trying on a new piece of clothing for the first time, and M-ing while wearing the clothes. Then after having my orgasm I’d feel ashamed and throw everything away only to start the cycle again in a week or two.

For me I didn’t fully over come that part of my addiction until I started going to Sex Addicts Anonymous and set solid financial goals (I was wasting lots of money on clothes, toys, and other things related to SA).

Best wishes to you in your journey.
Whoa—helluva journey.

Sounds like you are doing it right. Your SO knows everything, you’ve got the right therapist and you’re taking steps to better yourself.

A group like SA may help especially finding someone(s) going through a similar ordeal. Lot of men going through CD/ya stuff on the forum.

So obviously your urge to dress when stress hits hard. What habits/strategies you got in place to cope? Have you built a daily routine to keep you steady and occupied ? Are you blocking porn and Insta? Have you read up on betrayal trauma (read the SO posts on the forum) to understand what your wife is feeling?

And from my viewpoint: cross dressing/feminizing is not wrong (unless it causes you discord and inner turmoil). Lying to your wife, keeping secrets, keeping things dark--that is wrong. Don't beat yourself up about the crossdressing stuff. We all develop ways of coping with stress, trauma and pain.
All starts with a first step man and this community is the right first step
Damn your wife probably is a jewel of a person for didnt brake with you dispite all that weird stuff , i guess if i done that i wouldnthave so luck finding a person like that

Do nofap, stop doing stupid weird gay who isnt gay but actually does gay things , and conquer that addiction , if not for you, for your wife!!!!!
Also know that dispite all God loves you! And suicide the is the ultimate defeath , so have faith and never quit! Nomatter what never contemple suicide, its never an option!

The feminine side of a man shouldnt exist, a skaven side of a man exists on me me me grrrrrrrrr rahshshsrhhshhshs ....but that isnt also good altough its better but i like warpstones yesyesyes addicted to warpstones yesyesyes
Ah its great to hear that things are going well for you man! I think having your partner support you with this is incredibly important. As someone who's been in the situation and still relapses here and there I can definately relate! I think more so when you noted the fact that your mother found out and humiliated you and instantly labelled you as something thats not right can be especially painful.

I've noticed that my CD tendencies tend to decrease for me when I'm able to occupy myself with something fufilling ( art in my case) or when I'm at a less stressful state emotionally.

I think I agree a lot with @InappropriateUsername statement, after talking a lot with my therapist i think inherit crossdressing isn't a bad thing, its a coping mechanism like many other things people use to take on stress and frustration.
I think it only becomes harmful when you lie to loved ones about it, starts to become an addiction and hence affecting the quality of your life. I think you already took the first step few years back by telling your partner, it sounds like she's a great support to you.

Keep at it man! its hard to control but certainly not impossible.