My name is Stevie, I am 17, and I am addicted to PMO.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Stevie W, Sep 15, 2018.

Did you notice a lack in your motivation/drive?

  1. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. Sometimes

    0 vote(s)
  1. Stevie W

    Stevie W Fapstronaut

    I began PMO at age 14. At first, it was amazing. A source of ecstasy. Something I never felt before.

    After about a year of PMO I started to notice a change in my motivation, memory, and sleep. Initially I thought it was nothing, and then I realized that something was wrong: I couldn't stop. I convinced myself it was natural through 15 and 16 using advice from friends and web MD to confirm I wasn't crazy. Then this summer before my senior year I realized that PMO had caused me to become a lazy out of shape homebody. I needed to stop. Using all of the will that was left I was able to last 14 days before my urges got the best of me. After about a month of PMO again I decided to try again and went 18 days. But when I relapsed I went hard. After about the 3rd time I used PMO in 3 hours I looked at myself in the mirror and was disgusted with what I saw. I became a PMO junkie.

    My goal is to completely Reboot. I hear that 90 days is the goal and I am going to try my best to reach it. If anyone else is starting now I am on pacific time and I would love someone to help me through this journey.

    Lastly, does anyone have any advice that helped them make it to Day 90? (tools, skills, motivational article, ect.)
    LakeMichigan likes this.
  2. mysecondlifejourney

    mysecondlifejourney Fapstronaut

    Stevie I’m honored to help if you want. I’m in mid-50s and I’m a fellow struggler.
  3. Stevie W

    Stevie W Fapstronaut

    Thanks! I will contact you.