I began PMO at age 14. At first, it was amazing. A source of ecstasy. Something I never felt before. After about a year of PMO I started to notice a change in my motivation, memory, and sleep. Initially I thought it was nothing, and then I realized that something was wrong: I couldn't stop. I convinced myself it was natural through 15 and 16 using advice from friends and web MD to confirm I wasn't crazy. Then this summer before my senior year I realized that PMO had caused me to become a lazy out of shape homebody. I needed to stop. Using all of the will that was left I was able to last 14 days before my urges got the best of me. After about a month of PMO again I decided to try again and went 18 days. But when I relapsed I went hard. After about the 3rd time I used PMO in 3 hours I looked at myself in the mirror and was disgusted with what I saw. I became a PMO junkie. My goal is to completely Reboot. I hear that 90 days is the goal and I am going to try my best to reach it. If anyone else is starting now I am on pacific time and I would love someone to help me through this journey. Lastly, does anyone have any advice that helped them make it to Day 90? (tools, skills, motivational article, ect.)