My not so bizar story of addiction


New Fapstronaut
Welcome and thank your for taking time and reading this.
So I started fapping when I was aorund 12 years old, my first contact with porn was at the age of 11. A friend of mine had a friend and brought him over to my house, I let him use my tablet and he went on "youporn" specifically. Than we had a book in school about becoming you know, older and getting your puberty, there was a cartoon picture a boy jerking off and a sort note about masturbation. First it had not an effect on me but a few weeks later I wanted to try it. So i began fapping, once a day, two times a day, my low point was 4 times a day for a couple of weeks. Now just 1 time per day. But back to the story, so when i jerked off one time i rememberd the website with all of the porn, I didn't remeber the name at first but I found pornhub instead. And so I spiraled down into that rabbit hole. So yea, i hate myself for becoming who I have become but my enviroment wasn't also very good. I think I would sooner or later discover porn but maybe also faster nofap and the anti porn community. I hope, no I will beat this addiction but I dont know how long it will take. This is also the first time I am ever telling this to anybody. Thank you all.
Side note, sorry for my mistakes, English is my thirth language.
Glad you’re here. You sound relatively young. My addiction started well before the age of high speed internet, which only made things worse. Congratulations on making the right choice. Learn as much as you can about this issue, because knowledge is power. Best of luck!