My Porn Addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ace Patrick, Jan 9, 2017.

How can I start improve my skills and have more courage? Some advices please :))

  1. Start meeting new people

    0 vote(s)
  2. Make you dream come true

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  1. Ace Patrick

    Ace Patrick Fapstronaut

    Now days more and more people watch porn , and it is a very bad behavior because if you watch for long time you will become addicted, like I did.

    I start to watch porn when I had 13 years , and I couldn't stop. Now I have 17 years and I want to change my life and to quit PMO .

    I want a girlfriend !!! And because of porn I struggle and struggle to get "the girl of my dreams" , and I realized that I couldn't have the girls whitch I really wanted, because I have lack of social skills, I feel like insecure when I talk to girls, I have a bad impression about women , I don't know how to act when I am around girls and I never had a girlfriend!!!
    In order to have the special girl whitch I deserve, I need to improve myself and sculpt my personality. And I will do that.

    From today, I will start a new lifestyle !!!! I will change my mindset, give up at all addictive things from my life like stupid games, PMO , stupid videos, movies, serials and others, and I WILL START TO LIVE MY LIFE! Making my dream come true, travel, workout everyday , make new friends and sculpt my personality.