My Quest to Quit Masterbation & Porn Completely

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Iceberg, Oct 12, 2018.

What was your best strategy to quit Masterbation & Porn

  1. set a time to do it then slowly decrease

    5 vote(s)
  2. Not being alone

    11 vote(s)
  3. Pure willpower e.g. Just not doing it

    11 vote(s)
  4. Start new hobbies

    14 vote(s)
  5. Replace it with a new habit

    15 vote(s)
  6. engage into sports

    9 vote(s)
  7. Sleep early

    8 vote(s)
  8. Turning to spirituality

    14 vote(s)
  9. speak to your mind

    4 vote(s)
  10. keep your hands busy e.g. away from your self/regions

    11 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Iceberg

    Iceberg Fapstronaut

    Day 6: SUCCESS

    Great day. Lots of productivity. Exercise. Progress.

    I cannot believe I am on day 6. I cannot wait to hit day 7 aka 1 week and then the two week mark will be something special as well.
    I am still aiming to be even more productive but I know I am making progress.
    Sometimes I get really anxious about the future even though I am pretty much doing what I need to do at the moment anyway.

    One of the greatest skills/disciplines this quest is giving me is excellent mental alertness, focus and discipline. I feel soooo much MORE IN CONTROL.

    Stay Strong,
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018
  2. vitatertot

    vitatertot Fapstronaut

    It also just depends on your schedule. If you find yourself with not enough to do in the day and you're dealing with hours of boredom, it's probably better to exercise in the midafternoon and take up a big chunk of time. If you find yourself really busy struggling to find time to work out, then work out in the mornings. The key is avoiding hours of boredom.
    Iceberg likes this.
  3. Iceberg

    Iceberg Fapstronaut

    Day 7 SUCCESS

    A week without FAP

    Amazing. My mind feels so sharp and focussed. I feel in control. This is great.
    I am also getting lots of study done each day. However, unfortunately I did not exercise today.

    Stay Strong,
    FX-05 likes this.
  4. vitatertot

    vitatertot Fapstronaut

    Depending on ur time zone, go ahead and work out today even if it's later on in the day. Mad respect bro. Don't let up. Stay aware of your triggers and your mindset. Keep yourself sharp and keep yourself alert
    Iceberg likes this.
  5. vitatertot

    vitatertot Fapstronaut

    So I relapsed last night. Was feeling super stressed and REALLY depressed out of nowhere, hadn't felt depression in months/years. Might be the KETO diet I'm on. Had a date that night and couldn't decide if I wanted to keep goin after her or not and was feeling super conflicted. They say there's like 4 reasons why you relapse, one is lonelyness, one is unresolved conflict/stress, and I forget the other two. I'm gonna really have to work on stress management.
  6. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

    All of the above keep me motivated. Substituting for a new hobby.
  7. Iceberg

    Iceberg Fapstronaut

    Remember HALT. Hunger, angry, lonely and Tired. Each of these characteristics can lead to PMO. If anyone of these appear take measures to prevent it.

    If you are depressed going for a 5-10 minute walk has been proven to be more beneficial than taking anti-depressants (e.g. Prozac).

    Stay Strong,
  8. Iceberg

    Iceberg Fapstronaut

    Day 8: SUCCESS

    This day has been very easy, at least in terms of not doing PMO.
    I think one thing that is helping is remembering the bad feeling after from doing it, a sense of emptiness/hopelessness. Also, remembering that if I do it, it wont make me happy in the long term nor help me achieve my goals.

    Stay Strong,
  9. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

    aactually, anti-depressants do not help with porn addiction. it helps with the chemical imbalance in the brain and it makes people feel more healthy and it is all complicated stuff. Although the closest I got too when I was feeling within my withdrawal symptoms are depression=sadness. :)
  10. Iceberg

    Iceberg Fapstronaut

    I was referring to walking being better than anti-depressants to treat depression. Depression can lead to porn.
  11. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

    oh okay sorry mate.
    Iceberg likes this.
  12. Iceberg

    Iceberg Fapstronaut

    In terms of stress. I used to suffer from it a lot. Having a good workout routine is important. If you could workout 5 times a week you will be a lot happier but also a lot less stressed. Morning walks also help and also stretching particularly dynamic stretching.
  13. vitatertot

    vitatertot Fapstronaut

    Yeah, that's why I was so caught offguard. Normally I'm REALLY good at managing stress, but these last 2 weeks have been garbage for that. Sleeping in too much, too much videogames cause of COD BO 4, and ya know. I literally don't know what it was, but I felt completely empty and fully depressed out of nowhere. I literally wanted it to end. I have literally no clue where it came from, I've felt great with literally no depression since like highschool. Really don't know. Might be withdrawal combined with KETO. I'm hungry all the time bro lmao. But the diet works. Hoppin back oin it. I'm gonna spend the rest of the day doin chores and catchin up on homework. Not gonna let myself keep bein lazy.
  14. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

    You are strong bro, keep going and stay strong, do it for yourself.
  15. vitatertot

    vitatertot Fapstronaut

    I've realized I REALLY need to get my life in order. Call of duty coming out is no excuse for me slacking. I'm gonna be goin to bed earlier, gettin more sleep, actually waking up on time and not snoozing. I'm gonna spend the mornings reading and without electronics for a couple of hours. I'm gonna come up with a list of values and put em on my door, in addition to hardcore working out. Chores come first, homework second, LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE THIRD, then games.
    Iceberg likes this.
  16. vitatertot

    vitatertot Fapstronaut

    List of daily affirmation/values put up, as well as 3 year, 1 year, 6 month, 3 month, 1 month and weekly goals. this week especially I'm going to try to be very on top of it. Let's go baby
    Iceberg likes this.
  17. Iceberg

    Iceberg Fapstronaut

    Day 9: SUCCESS
    Again, my level of self-control is very high at the moment. However, from reading other threads I have heard of people relapsing after a couple of months so I always need to be cautious.

    Stay Strong,
  18. Iceberg

    Iceberg Fapstronaut

    Day 10: Failed - Relapsed

    Unfortunately, I failed and relapsed today.
    The root was stress. I then touched myself and said only for a few seconds but then it could out of hand.

    I will take this away as a big learning lesson although I am disappointed. Stress has probably been my main trigger of PMO so I need to have solid strategies to prevent/address this. I think one thing that will help is to acknowledge that PMO wont resolve my problems. I need to find other outlets. Bear in mind I need outlets in the start of the morning and also at night because I have found these times to be most vulnerable now to PMO since I am busy mid-day. What are your suggestions advise to resolve this issue and deal with stress?

    I will be resilient and start again from day 1 tomorrow. I started a journey to quit PMO for good and I will. I just had a set back that I will learn from.

    Stay Strong,
  19. vitatertot

    vitatertot Fapstronaut

    Exactly the mindset you need to have. In any recovery process you will relapse. The important crucial thing is that you LEARN exactly why you relapse and prevent it. Start mornings off by working out and doing chores, etc. . . Get your work done. Work during the day, at night, stay away from videogames. Find outlets to destress. I LOVE reading. Turn on a record player (somethin nice about physical music rather than from an ipod or somethin, know what I mean?) make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, snack, whatever, and just read. I have 3 books I'm reading through right now, one of em's a recovery book. I'd recommend sitting down and writing down your goals. Visualize where you want to be 3 years from now, Ideally. Then sit down and break down your 1 year, 6, 3, 1 month and weekly goals. Go after them aggressively and relentlessly. Reward yourself when you hit your goals. Find things that will TAKE UP YOUR TIME. Learn to play an instrument. I'm learning bass. Full time schooling combined with being involved in campus life, plus trying to read 3 books, practice music and hang out with friends: 0 free time. And you're too tired to relapse tbh. It's really about preventative maintenance when it comes to stress. Daily stress management will make sure you don't become overwhelmed. If you're in school, make it a goal to be 2 days or a week ahead on your schoolwork. Will take a huge load of stress of your shoulders. Write it down and put it somewhere and go over it every day. It becomes tangible. Get the book breaking the cycle. Seriously. When it comes to major stressors (life crisis, something you can't fix in the moment), realize it, shut down all your electronics, and let someone know what you're going through. Put up extra precautions during that time until you're back to normal. Here's something I realized during my last relapse. I was super stressed, KNEW I was in a moment of weakness, and thought to myself, "I'll just let myself be in this moment of weakness, sit through it, and be stronger by resisting it". Wrong thinking. True that you become stronger when you don't give in, but it shouldn't be something of pride to PUSH through it. If you're in a moment of stress or weakness, REALIZE THAT YOU CAN AND WILL RELAPSE if you sit in it. Promise yourself that if you're in a moment of weakness you'll reach out as soon as you realize it. Set down your pride and be the bigger man by admitting you're weak. And when you reach out and get help, and DON'T relapse because you're accountable to someone, because you've prevented it, you become stronger. Love and blessings friend. Keep it up.
    Iceberg likes this.
  20. vitatertot

    vitatertot Fapstronaut

    One other thing, I used to think that I needed the nofap "superpowers" to take charge of my life and I was too lazy on PMO to do anything about my life. Listen to me: The changes and superpowers are real: BUT THEY'RE NOT WHAT MAKE YOU GREAT. You need to make a decision that NO ONE WILL HELP YOU OUT OF YOUR LIFE, AND IT'S UP TO YOU TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE! NOW! Whether you've relapsed a month ago or literally 10 minutes ago, you have the willpower and the ability to make your life the best it can be. I relapsed 2 days ago. Normally I feel like garbage and I'm binge-playing call of duty right now in my recovery. I made a point to not let that happen anymore. For the past 2 days I've been working nonstop, reading, playing bass, working out, and I feel more confidant having relapsed 2 days ago than I normally do 2 weeks into my superpowers. YOU TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE, PRIORITIZE YOUR GOALS, GO AFTER THEM, AND LET NOFAP HELP YOU TO IT. BUT DON'T RELY ON NOFAP. Love you bros
    Iceberg likes this.