My second time


Deleted Account

Hello everyone!

I'm not new to this website. I used to be an active member of NoFap community for more then 1 year, but my life had changed and I decided to quit this website and continue journey on my own. The main reason was that I decided that for me masturbation is OK, but porn is a real drug. I wanted to only quit porn. However, my friendly fapstraunauts weren't very supportive, they thought I must quit masturbation as well.

Now I'm back because I can't fight on my own. I created a new account and I'm ready to fight this battle again. I hope this time it will be more successful. Since I never actually tried to quit only porn, I'll be most welcome for any advice. How many are there who also think that in PMO porn should be written in more then capital letter? I think that if porn never existed I wouldn't have had M addiction.
Welcome back. I disagree with you on the MO part: In the end, you're still wasting precious life-energy that would otherwise be put to better uses in your life.
In any case, the question is irrelevant, and if I understood correctly, your story proves it: You thought you could get along fine with only MO, but that eventually escalated back to PMO. Eventually, people who are aware of the "stronger" stuff available, become "bored" with mere mental-fantasies and start looking for pictures, videos, stories, etc.
Once you've become aware of these things, even if you've completed a successful reboot - if you go back to MOing, your mind will eventually thirst for "stronger" stimulators.