My story


When I started this thing 90 days ago, I was going through the most difficult period of my life mentally.

I had a panic attack in an exam hall with well over 600 students in attendance. As soon as I got home, I released my stress through porn. That would be the last time I've PMO'd till date.

I still remember what I was watching, how I was ferociously surfing for the perfect scene which turned out to be transgendered person porn.

Later that night, I remember feeling so anxious and filled with such low self esteem that I searched up online why I felt this way. It turns out, I had anxiety. I was so scared that I would feel this way for the rest of my life that I decided to change.

Although at the time, not knowing that porn was the root to my anxiety problems, I decided to give it up anyway in an attempt to become a more religious individual. This is one of the main reasons why I haven't gone back and I hope that I never will.

I remember for about the first two weeks, anxiety got worse and then came depression, which was extremely tough to deal with. But I came through that both.

Fast forward 90 days and I'm so much better than I was before my anxiety and depression days. I'm so much more confident, I see things much clearer, motivation improved heaps and bounds and I've improved ties with a number of people.

For example, before I would always avoid going to family gatherings and over to relatives. During this reboot I've spent most days at my cousins' house which has helped me massively too. I've developed a special relationship with one of my cousins who didn't like me at all before (in fact she just messaged as I'm writing this).

In hindsight, over the years I've fapped, I'd have to say my lowest point was one I was 17. I had just woken up to the news that my grandfather passed away and I felt absolutely no sadness, while my sister bowled her eyes out. The first thing I did when I got up was turn my laptop on and PMO'd. When I finished I felt so empty and lifeless. I also remember asking myself why my sister was even crying so much.

At the time I thought I was normal and nothing was wrong with me but looking back, I now know how messed up I was.

Just recently, during the streak, my grandmother passed away and I felt so emotional. I cried so much. I felt so much love for her that I couldn't get myself to leave her grave after we buried her.

I've had so many ups these past few weeks, I'm generally funnier, more interactive and good company. I also remember laughing so hard at something so random. I haven't laughed like that since childhood.

All I want to conclude with is that NoFap WILL change your life if you are fully committed to it. I'm at 90 days but can't wait to reach 180.
Congratulations for succeeding on your goals while facing anxiety and depression. I just started today and it's stories like this that give me hope especially since PMO tends to mess with my emotions too.
Congratulations for succeeding on your goals while facing anxiety and depression. I just started today and it's stories like this that give me hope especially since PMO tends to mess with my emotions too.

When I say this I mean it so pay attention.
DO NOT give up on it even if it is so tempting that you can't hold it anymore
Just remember why you started this journey to become a stronger version of yourself (Courtesy of Elliot Hulse)
2 days ago I almost relapsed after 22 days (one stroke from O) and thank god I didn't give up
Because once you relapse after a week, your brain will even want more since dopamine is just flooding your brain with empty pleasure.
And the benefits that come along with Nofap are far greater than any amount of money in the world (Trust me on this)
You'll really appreciate your self even more and your confidence and self esteem will elevate to new heights.
And if you have PIED (Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction) you''ll recover from that and you'll no longer see women as Sex objects to fulfill our fantasies.
You''ll be more outgoing and your sleep and energy and so much more will get 1000% better
I hope you make it as long as eternity (Seriously, PMO is the worse thing of all bad things you can do to yourself and you should quit it for ever) and good luck.
When I say this I mean it so pay attention.
DO NOT give up on it even if it is so tempting that you can't hold it anymore
Just remember why you started this journey to become a stronger version of yourself (Courtesy of Elliot Hulse)
2 days ago I almost relapsed after 22 days (one stroke from O) and thank god I didn't give up
Because once you relapse after a week, your brain will even want more since dopamine is just flooding your brain with empty pleasure.
And the benefits that come along with NoFap are far greater than any amount of money in the world (Trust me on this)
You'll really appreciate your self even more and your confidence and self esteem will elevate to new heights.
And if you have PIED (Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction) you''ll recover from that and you'll no longer see women as Sex objects to fulfill our fantasies.
You''ll be more outgoing and your sleep and energy and so much more will get 1000% better
I hope you make it as long as eternity (Seriously, PMO is the worse thing of all bad things you can do to yourself and you should quit it for ever) and good luck.

Thank you for the advice Flossy and congrats for staying strong. I haven't for the past 7 years gone without PMO for more than 10 days so thanks for giving me the heads up. I hope you succeed in completing 30 days.
Remember if anyone needs any sort of advice I'm always here to help. You can ask me anything too. I'd love to help others overcome this.
Thank you for sharing your story. I really really love reading success story's because you people prove that it is possible. I can see from your post that you did it the way it was supposed to be done. You didn't run from your emotions. Because, there is no way to end this addiction if we aren't ready to go trough "emotional hell."

I have developed anxiety/panic disorder with agoraphobia and I also believe that porn is probably the main reason for this. Can't say for sure yet, but I believe mine life will change after ending this addiction.I see your life did, and it motives me even more. Glad to see you have become more emotional and social.

As for tips, you wrote it all in opening post, in short:

"When conditions are good, you feel great, motivated and everything is going your way, it is easy to keep going. Everyone can do it. But...what do you do when things turn around and you are having a really terrible day? That is when it matters most, your decisions during those moment separates winners from the losers. Learn to endure during difficult times. When you feel like giving up but you keep going, this is when you are separating yourself from your old self. This is when you are growing.

If you want to be extraordinary, don't do what everyone else does during difficult times."

So, there will be a period when it will be extremely hard but that is when it matters most to stay strong.

@Flossy Carter Good that you didn't give up to your urges. I went trough something similar in the past couple of days. But it calmed, everything pass on its own.
Thank you for sharing your story. I really really love reading success story's because you people prove that it is possible. I can see from your post that you did it the way it was supposed to be done. You didn't run from your emotions. Because, there is no way to end this addiction if we aren't ready to go trough "emotional hell."

I have developed anxiety/panic disorder with agoraphobia and I also believe that porn is probably the main reason for this. Can't say for sure yet, but I believe mine life will change after ending this addiction.I see your life did, and it motives me even more. Glad to see you have become more emotional and social.

As for tips, you wrote it all in opening post, in short:

"When conditions are good, you feel great, motivated and everything is going your way, it is easy to keep going. Everyone can do it. But...what do you do when things turn around and you are having a really terrible day? That is when it matters most, your decisions during those moment separates winners from the losers. Learn to endure during difficult times. When you feel like giving up but you keep going, this is when you are separating yourself from your old self. This is when you are growing.

If you want to be extraordinary, don't do what everyone else does during difficult times."

So, there will be a period when it will be extremely hard but that is when it matters most to stay strong.


Thanks a lot brother, that means a lot to me that it motivates you further. I've been through the emotional hell but kept a smile on my face and stayed patient which was incredibly hard.

I hope Nofap helps you to overcome your social anxiety because trust me, no amount of dopamine from porn can replicate the incredible feeling you get when someone looks at you as if you're the only person in the world they want to talk to and be around.

I remember how I could not hold a conversation for much longer than a minute or two. Or in class, when I was answering a question from my seat, I was terrified.

The thing I hated about myself was that I always had this nervous smile when I spoke to people. It was almost like blushing, which is annoying for a guy.

Now I smile differently, I express more emotions when I'm speaking to someone which improves the quality and sophistication of my interactions with people.

I sincerely hope Nofap helps you and would love to know how you're getting along in the near future. Best of luck!