P can be anything that appeals to one's prurient interests. I would often prefer to PMO to hentai manga over P videos of "real people". Because women in comics can be drawn to unrealistically emphasize sexual characteristics, they may actually be more damaging to the addict brain. Even with makeup and lighting, human beings are messy and imperfectly shaped; reality is messy. Comic women can be drawn with perfect skin, symmetrical features, and super-sexualized bodies.
This is exactly what has always drawn me to hentai and other forms of animation. In addition, I feel like it's morally acceptable because nobody's hurt in the process of making it. These animated characters aren't being exploited, so I feel justified in using it. Of course, it still affects my perception of women, which affects my relationship with my wife. It's hard to get turned on by natural beauty when my brain is used to hypersexualized images.
I'm not sure what the point of this thread is. I just needed to share this. Can anyone relate?