My techniques to control premature ejaculation and have non ejaculatory sex

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by modern milarepa, May 22, 2021.

  1. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Current streak: 386 days no PMO, semen retention

    The first time I had sex I was 25 y.o. a late bloomer. I had more than 1hr of sex non stop really fast and I didn't felt the need to ejaculate once. I'm natural at it, the girl was very hot. I have been an avid reader and practitioner of non ejaculatory sex even given my natural talent I have taken my control over ejaculation to the extreme so maybe some things I say can work for you.

    First tip cardiovascular activity
    During those times I started having sex I was doing a lot of running everywhere I went I did it running and my free time I spent it running. I don't run anymore but when I used to run controling ejaculation during sex was very easy.

    Second tip mindset
    Before having sex I try to be relaxed if you are tense or very stressed out the fight or flight response gets activated and ejaculation is a simpathetic response that means it's link to the fight or flight response if you are relaxed ejaculation is less likely to happen. Watch some TV, a hot shower not something very demanding and enjoyable before having sex. Because that is what you are doing when having sex enjoying. In general being a very relaxed and friendly person in life will help you to control PE.

    Mind controls breath, breath controls blood, blood controls semen
    When having sex if you are just starting to control ejaculation try to keep the mind calm don't focus so much on how beautiful or hot the girl in front of you is, don't think about reaching orgasm, turn the lights off or not much light so you don't get over stimulated by the girls body. Instead focus your mind on your breathing, try breathing slow it'll keep you relax and will slow your heartbeats if your heartbeats are slow you won't ejaculate fast heartbeats are require for one to ejaculate also to tense your muscles and pelvic muscles, so if you are relaxed you won't become tense.

    Just stop
    If you feel a imminent need to ejaculate and feel you just can't control it simply stop. Don't look at the girl go put some water on your penis.

    Doing squats
    The contraction of pelvic muscles are needed for ejaculation if they are strong you can control them better, heavy squats are a good way to do this.

    At the edge of ejaculation
    If the girl is for example about to orgasm and she does not want you to stop but you are feeling the desire to ejaculate I focus on my breath, if it's not enough I create tension trying to hide my belly specially lower belly close to the penis and prostate, also contraction of the anus and glutes and probably all the body, I close my eyes I just hold in there. This way you inactivate pelvic muscle spasms is a last resort blockage if these muscles are blocked ejaculation doesn't take place.

    Don't masturbate or watch porn
    Off course
  2. EpsilonDelta

    EpsilonDelta Fapstronaut


    I love reading your posts and threads, your writing is sometimes esoteric and yet it makes a lot of sense! May I ask what PE is short for? Porn and Ejaculation?
    Ajar and modern milarepa like this.
  3. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Thank you, we use it here in NoFap it means premature ejaculation
    EpsilonDelta likes this.
  4. FrenchOliver

    FrenchOliver Fapstronaut

  5. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Other tips

    Giving her my ejaculation with out ejaculation
    Also a good thing I do to release tension and to be a loving and giving partner is that I'd focus my energy and consciously give her my energy almost like if I ejaculate its like I send her my energy without actually ejaculate I give the energy with my mind ne my body to her

    Getting her energy
    Also I absorb her energy from her body I feel it is more cold, femenine energy. It's not stealing because I'm giving her energy too.

    Balancing yin/yang
    Sometimes you can move both energies within yourself doing the microcosmic orbit meditation while having sex, this balance energy and you are less prone to ejaculate. Excessive concentration of male energy is the cause to ejaculate.

    Also you can move the energy between your partner and your microcosmic orbit combined like the orbits become one specially in contact of your mouths and reproductive organs

    Firelord Zuko and AdilLevay like this.
  6. pe help

    pe help Fapstronaut


    I´m afraid someone with PE due to overactive BC muscle can not really benefit from these tips since they are meant for naturals like yourself. The only thing I agree on as a former premature ejaculator is 'bringing the belly close to the penis' but I combine this with maintaining a posterior pelvic tilt body position
  7. 10second

    10second Fapstronaut

    Hi I'm 21 i was addicted to porn for 8 years i stopped faping for 3 mouth but i still suffer from PE i cum after 10sec to 30 sec of fap i never be with girl. when i stopped porn and fapping for 3 month and tried again i ejaculated faster than before less than 20 sec.
    Please anyhelp
    What should i do .
    There is any solution or should i gave up and accept this realtity
  8. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Yeah it usually happens after long streak there are plenty things to do to avoid this.

    Let me remember what I wrote here in this thread and see if this is enough.
  9. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    First tip will be change your user name for are programming yourself to failure calling yourself 10 second change it to 10 hours.

    10 hours meaning you could last 10 hours having sex no ejaculation. Words are powerful
  10. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    You are building up sexual tension in the streak that is why you come even faster after doing nofap try to avoid this congestion I explain it here

    Also try to balance your sexual energy with different methods I explain the most important ones here. If you are balance premature ejaculation doesn't happen.
    Firelord Zuko likes this.
  11. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Also take the tips I make in this thread.

    Practice a lot of chaste look and dopamine detox, don't think or fantasize about sex.
    Firelord Zuko and 10second like this.
  12. 10second

    10second Fapstronaut

    Should i continue fapping or stopping it now.
    I dont know what yo do I still have 5 to 7 years to get age of marriage.
    or Stopping porn and faping will help me to improve mt situation.
  13. 10second

    10second Fapstronaut

    When i stopped porn i experience a huge urge and desire for sex and this make things worse.
    If stopping faping and porn completly will solve the problem I'will do it
  14. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    In your case I think you should do masturbation meditation it's just too advanced problem. You come too fast.

    When you feel comfortable you can try it. But remember is therapy not pleasure. Be relaxed breath slowly and touch it for just some seconds the first time.

    After you gained some control you can simply stop doing it.
  15. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    It won't, you need to reduce cravings and prostate congestion I explain how to in the thread about urges. Read it.

    If your mind keeps craving for sex no masturbation or porn won't be enough it will just build up sexual tension a you continuously relapse
  16. 10second

    10second Fapstronaut

    I'M so depressed scared and confused i dont know what to do.
    I hope that some was like me and find a solution
  17. Big Chunguss

    Big Chunguss Fapstronaut

    I didn't know I could work my pelvic muscles by squatting.
  18. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    By simply squatting, specially heavy your core, tighs, butt and pelvic region gets activated. It's one of the best compound movements.

    Deathlifts help too, but I feel more pelvic work during squats
    AuwL0ng and Big Chunguss like this.
  19. Big Chunguss

    Big Chunguss Fapstronaut

    Do I need to contract the pelvic region in the squat or is it automatically activated? Is the perineum part of the pelvic region? Does squats give the same results as Kegel exercises?
  20. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Simply squat specially ass to grass, deep squats.

    It's different than kegel because you are adding weight and is not as profound as kegel.

    They complement each other
    Big Chunguss likes this.