Hey friends,
I'd like to clarify on a major myth on the people who took abstinence from PMO.
Firstly, no person can abruptly put a full stop to PMO who had been doing it for years. I have seen in many forums and even in few Youtube videos where guys claim that they had their last ejaculation for their life and had gone into rebooting mode for 90/360 days. That's a highly fallacious statement unless you have a considerable control of your brain like Dr.Strange. You need to be aware of the fact that relapsing a couple of times after abstaining from PMO is common and I view it okay. You just can't stop the dopamine rush inside your body which you have been habituated to, just like that. It takes time and there is no need to feel depressed when you have thoughts related to P or M. But this reason shouldn't be taken as an advantage to have lots of PMO. Its shows your poor mental strength.
On the other hand, the number of relapses depends upon the mental caliber of an individual. It varies with the factors like how many years you have been viewing P or how far your body has got used to this practice.
Well, all of my point is you have to have a good understanding with your brain regarding P and M. There is no point in getting your motive down, think long-term benefits and never get disappointed after your first relapse and treat yourself a failure. You should always remember you're on a right track and try to put all your max efforts to stay on it
I'd like to clarify on a major myth on the people who took abstinence from PMO.
Firstly, no person can abruptly put a full stop to PMO who had been doing it for years. I have seen in many forums and even in few Youtube videos where guys claim that they had their last ejaculation for their life and had gone into rebooting mode for 90/360 days. That's a highly fallacious statement unless you have a considerable control of your brain like Dr.Strange. You need to be aware of the fact that relapsing a couple of times after abstaining from PMO is common and I view it okay. You just can't stop the dopamine rush inside your body which you have been habituated to, just like that. It takes time and there is no need to feel depressed when you have thoughts related to P or M. But this reason shouldn't be taken as an advantage to have lots of PMO. Its shows your poor mental strength.
On the other hand, the number of relapses depends upon the mental caliber of an individual. It varies with the factors like how many years you have been viewing P or how far your body has got used to this practice.
Well, all of my point is you have to have a good understanding with your brain regarding P and M. There is no point in getting your motive down, think long-term benefits and never get disappointed after your first relapse and treat yourself a failure. You should always remember you're on a right track and try to put all your max efforts to stay on it