Need advice about 90 day reboot.New member of site nofap for year & a half.


I've been doing nofap for about a year and a half now. I remember hearing about it from my brother one day. I had no idea that porn could cause negative effects. Heck I remember masturbating at least every day for years because I was told it was good for you!
I used to constantly watch porn and masturbate inside of my room. When I lived with a roommate I really only left my room if I was intoxicated, or else I would sit in my room and fap then play games until I felt the urge once again.(I preferred edging for hours over orgasm) I wouldn't even leave the room to urinate I would usually just pee in beer cans because I was too afraid to even go to the bathroom incase my roommate saw me.
Anyways that was me at my worst.. Things have really changed! I have a 3.75gpa, more social and less anxiety, quit drinking and drugs and improved concentration. My longest streak was maybe 55 days but I'm pretty sure I would edge every couple weeks just a little and maybe look at sexy Instagram pictures.(I consider porn). My longest time of abstaining from everything is right now, about 3 weeks.

My question is.... Will I notice a huge difference from abstaining over 90days? I've been doing nofap for a year and a half probably relapsing after every two weeks sometimes one week and each relapse is maybe one porn video or no porn at all. Is there still hope that ridding these habits could help me carry myself stronger, cure my depression, increase my concentration more and just be happier? Thanks for reading!
Welcome! I'm glad you are here.

A lot of folks make claims that ending PMO will make dramatic changes in your life. I'm not saying it's not true, but I think no one can promise such things. Virtue is its own reward. The point, as I see it, is to be a better man. I do believe that greater self discipline and integrity bring other rewards, but I don't like promising what I can't deliver.
Hey I appreciate the response! I agree with you, I have become a better person without the use of PMO. I really think that some of my anxiety is correlated with the over stimulation and abuse I've done in the past though... I can feel the anxiety come back partly each time I fantasize. I fantasize much less then I used to now.
It's going pretty good man! I had a period of anxiety for a couple days after fantasizing to a couple girls who smiled at me.. The good news was I didn't relapse but some damage was done. I'm feeling great now and have eliminated fantasy as much as I can to heal faster. I haven't felt this good in many years!
I'm feeling great now and have eliminated fantasy as much as I can to heal faster.
That is good to hear and seven weeks with no edging, masturbating or porn is good, too. I highlighted the comment you made about fantasising because this is often overlooked. The reason has to do with the mind set of a PMO addict. In this aspect of our lives, we are highly secretive. We were mortified at the fear of being caught jerking off or someone seeing the porn on our screen or in our online history etc. :oops: So, when it comes to recovery, I have noticed that many do well in not PMOing. Yet, they also talk about having fantasies, thereby compromising their reboot and increasing the risk of relapses.

Eliminating fantasy is key. The most effective way of doing this is, IMMEDIATELY! The more seconds and minutes that we dwell on sexual fantasies, the greater the likelihood that it will become a strong urge, perhaps one that leads to PMO. So, well done for not getting snagged on this mistake. :) Do you use distraction to get thoughts out of your head by the way?
I kind of use distractions, I just think about all the times I relapsed and not once was it worth it. I could have been a star athlete and student growing up and PMO took it all away from me. I think about becoming a professional ethical hacker and I know I cant achieve my dream if I go back to PMO. Do you have any good distraction techniques that work for you?