Need Help with Porn Escalation


New Fapstronaut
Ever since I was very young I have watched porn. I began watching at a very young age and have grown to rely on it whenever I'm bored, depressed, lonely, etc. I've also experienced a lot of sexual repression due to me being gay and very closeted. In the last year my porn habits have gotten really bad. I've been binging and looking at porn for hours to the point where I end up on pages with absolute filth. I go into this trance like state while on the binges and it isn't until afterwards that I am fully aware of what had happened and what I had seen online. I'm disgusted with myself and the fact that I've been looking at porn that I don't even like for some reason scares me. I want to be normal again and reverse this content escalation. I don't know how. Even though I hate it all so much, time will pass and all of a sudden its like waking up in bed realizing I had just watched porn again despite my efforts to quit. I don't know where else to go so I'm posting this on here. Like I said before, I'm very closeted and don't know how I'd be able to explain to anyone my porn addiction.

I guess I just want to know if I can recover from this escalation and start liking normal porn again. If anyone can share their experience or tips that would be great. I need to learn self control and how to forgive myself.
I'm in the same boat as you, I've been using porn for almost 9 years, I was 11 or 12, now I'm 20 and I'm just realizing how much this shit could fuck up your brain. I barely even reached 2 weeks so I can't tell you for sure, but hopefully someone else can give you a more detailed answer..

for now try reading up on this website:
It has alot of info regarding changes in the brain due to porn.
In the last year my porn habits have gotten really bad. I've been binging and looking at porn for hours to the point where I end up on pages with absolute filth. I go into this trance like state while on the binges and it isn't until afterwards that I am fully aware of what had happened and what I had seen online. I'm disgusted with myself and the fact that I've been looking at porn that I don't even like for some reason scares me...

I just want to know if I can recover from this escalation and start liking normal porn again.
I strongly recommend that you do not acquire a taste for any kind of porn whatsoever. It is toxic. To recover from the escalation, STOP looking at all porn.
Mate we have all been there. I have spent countless hours onlune looking at porn over the years. Best advice is you need to have a period of detox. It is only when we are 'sober' that we can gain any clarity in our thoughts and stay awat frim this shit. Also recommend highly you meditate to clear your head...i recommend headspace app and start exercising. Clears your head a bit. You can do this but you have to commit 100%