I am 24M, but have been masturbating probably since I was like I would say 14-15 until I was 22. Watched porn everyday, used to masturbate every day or like every other day. Decided to go on a NoFap journey I believe in Dec 2019, so I stopped watching porn and masturbating all together but I was still looking at those hot instagram models until like March 2020. So officially I would say the journey started in March 2020, so no porn and no masturbation till to this day. There were some wet dreams here and there and even like about a month ago. Don't know if that's useful information but I would still mention it. Definitely felt a huge improvement, so became a lot more confident, more social, working out consistently and still in shape, and stopped looking at women like some sex objects. Recently found myself a girl and had a chance to have sex with her but couldn't get a complete hard on at all. The foreplay was good and she even tried to jerk me off but I guess the ED was too strong. So I tried to test and watch a porn video after that to check if I would get turned on idk why lol. But after watching it, no reaction whatsoever. Like I would get turned on when foreplaying with her but it's not a complete hard on. So I am just wondering isn't 1.5 years of that enough for me to heal? I feel like a different person now, no perverted thoughts nothing but feels like my dick just forgot how to function lmao. So I am thinking should I try and masturbate without porn and see what would happen or what do you guys think?