Need support here!


Right now I'm expiriencing really strong desire to watch P and then MO. It feels like something inside whispers to me: "F*ck that! Reboot? Pf! Who cares! You don't have GF, and no one will see any changes in you. Reboot and all benefits from it just a fairy tales. You will relapse, sooner or later. It is impossible to live without PM. No one can do that! You isn't strong enough to deal with those urges. Reboot does not matter. It does not change anything in your life. But right now, you can just open new window, with your favourite site, and find really great video..." and so on. Don't know what to do, I'm afraid that I will have to start all over again. Support, please!
Right now I'm expiriencing really strong desire to watch P and then MO. It feels like something inside whispers to me: "F*ck that! Reboot? Pf! Who cares! You don't have GF, and no one will see any changes in you. Reboot and all benefits from it just a fairy tales. You will relapse, sooner or later. It is impossible to live without PM. No one can do that! You isn't strong enough to deal with those urges. Reboot does not matter. It does not change anything in your life. But right now, you can just open new window, with your favourite site, and find really great video..." and so on. Don't know what to do, I'm afraid that I will have to start all over again. Support, please!

Just the fact that you're putting out an S.O.S. right now to help fight those urges is enough proof that it DOES matter, and it IS worth it to resist PM. I think the pride you will have for yourself for not relapsing is far better than the momentary pleasure followed by disappointment. Stay strong!
@Igaleksus , What we're doing right now with NoFap is essentially rewiring our very brains... it's tough! When your own brain is telling you to do something you don't want to do, it's hard to resist. But we gotta retrain that muscle memory so that our habits actually add value to our lives. You're an inspiration to me for having gone 26 days without PM. Keep up the good work.
It is impossible to live without PM. No one can do that!
You my friend are a LIAR. For years I've said there are only 2 types of men, those that admit they masturbate and those who don't. Now having stopped a 30yr compulsory habit for more than 100 days I truly believe there are actually men who don't masturbate. I am going to be one of them. So can you.

@Igaleksus know the raging urges you are experiencing are common. We ALL have experienced those loss of control, self destruction, mind trickery. Resist man. You can control you. Don't let your feeling brain run your thinking brain. Hang in there it does get better.
@Igaleksus , What we're doing right now with NoFap is essentially rewiring our very brains... it's tough! When your own brain is telling you to do something you don't want to do, it's hard to resist. But we gotta retrain that muscle memory so that our habits actually add value to our lives.
I didn't think of reboot in this point of view... I think... we're here really changing something in the world.
Porn attacks. It is becoming more accessible, diverse and realistic. Here and now we are fighting for the future of all mankind, because it is not difficult to guess that very soon porn will be everywhere. It seems that we are creating a layer of society that will be completely isolated from pornography. We will be some kind of Spartans... And we can become a wonderful example for others. For people who's struggling... for next generations... So we must stay strong!

"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Haha :emoji_grinning::emoji_grinning::emoji_laughing: maybe this is to epic, but I feel like this right now. Thank you, brothers!

@Igaleksus know the raging urges you are experiencing are common. We ALL have experienced those loss of control, self destruction, mind trickery. Resist man. You can control you. Don't let your feeling brain run your thinking brain. Hang in there it does get better.
Understood. Thank you.