Never relapse again 30 days challenge

18 day of rebot - By doing a restart for 30 days, I realized for myself that I can track progress. When 30 days are over, I can see the reaction of my body to reality without rebooting. When the process goes on, I train my mind that PmO is bad by any means available to me.
almost 10 days without PMO!! I didn't update in the past 2 days due to full scheduled days. My friend noticed that my eyes look brighter clearer, I can even present myself confidently without anxiety.
12 days streak, i am more confident and comfortable with my skin and my voice. I can feel positive about everything that has happened around me. Althought I faced a setback from my sales career, i.e the person did not honor and respect my time, I didn't hold the setback for too long, and I started to think in terms of how could I turn things better or what sort of problems could be solved immediately, and I didn't blame for so long time. I can feel that my skin looks brighter as well.
21 days of reboot! Moving on. I noticed that the saturation time became denser when you abstain from P M O. As if it became more valuable. Also, meditation has become deeper.