
Hi all
Just found this place and wondering if my porn addictions are connected to how I am with women...

I’m 38 never married, had several long term relationships but they have always got to the point where I’m bored of the sex... in between these relationships I’ve slept around, and it’s like as soon as I’ve done what i need to do, I toss them aside and are looking for the next one.

I hate it... I really want to be married and settled down with a family.

A few times I have had ED and only now am I thinking could it be to do with porn? And my lack of sexual interest with the latest woman in my bed.

With porn I can keep skipping videos for the high... it’s only now I’m wondering is this the same when I’m having sex with these women? I’m bored and looking for the next thrill

Another issue I have is I’m bored... I work from home with a lot of time on my hands, I’m depressed and use porn as an escapism

Decided to go nofap and see what happens I’m hoping this could turn my life around
Yes porn is most likely the very cause of your problem, at least has a lot to do with it. Quit porn, and preferably go on hardmode for some time. Hardmode is when you abstain from all sexual activity. No porn, masturbating or orgasming.
NoFap is not going to turn your life around. I am quite certain about this because NoFap has everything to do with resetting the dopamine receptors. This basically means that the way you respond to certain events will likely be more real and with more emotion (rather than you being the zombie you become from porn). However, by doing NoFap you only change the way your mind and body respond to it without it going into action. It is likely you become more disciplined because you have more energy but let me tell you one thing:
Write down the things that you think really matter to you.

-Dont be a lazy MFKER
- Dont playvideogames
- Dont waste your time
- Do something useful
- Eat healthy
- Workout, and see your body change


So the core, NoFap won't change your life around. Becoming more disciplined will give you back the power of your own life and most importantly you will feel this power, which is the most amazing feeling ever!

Goodluck buddy and give us an update in a week or two.

try being married and STILL feeling alone...

that sucks (not to take away from what you're saying though--I know it must be tough...real tough).

Hope this works out for you