New and about to commence a 100days challenge


New Fapstronaut
Hi fellow fapstronauts. I am new here and I had to join after discovering this platform in a YouTube video I watch 2 days ago.

Age: 20yrs
Here's my story...

Flashback 2010, I was just 10 years old when I stumbled upon an 18+ video being watched by my own parents in our home. Though it wasn't graphic but it did the job... however I didn't act on it and I let it pass.

Fast forward a couple of years later, I stumbled upon a video in a phone my elder brother was using... I still didn't play it, the file was corrupted but the title read 'desi p*RN star'. I still didn't act on it, however it aroused curiosity in me.

A few months later in 2014 Feb., I was just turning 14... I stumbled upon a full unclad image as I was browsing the web...that image stuck in my head and birthed every other thing that happened from then.

Though my porn usage wasn't as frequent... infact I thought it wasn't that bad... I was still an A+ student and had some love around me.

But not too long after, it began to eat deeper into me...I began to develop some tolerance...from M'ing once in 7-10 grew to 5-7 days and on some very terrible happened twice in one night (though not very frequently).

Just like everyone else here... I tried to stop... I couldn't. I am a Christian though, I tried to fight it with prayer...naaarh it didn't go away... I stopped using the internet for sometime but the moment I got back to using it...I would relapse.

That was when I decided I would seek help and get that help no matter what it costs...there are other small details to it but I wouldn't want to bore you...

I have decided to go on 100days challenge...the longest I have ever gone is about 20 days...but I have to do this for me.

I need an accountability partner with whom I'll do this.

I will appreciate your love and support as I begin this journey towards a better me.

Welcome to the forums. You are not alone from now on, there are many great people here who are glad to help you. It will not be easy but if you are motivated enough you will find the strength to overcome the addiction. If you need anything, feel free to ask. Good luck!
Welcome to the forums. You are not alone from now on, there are many great people here who are glad to help you. It will not be easy but if you are motivated enough you will find the strength to overcome the addiction. If you need anything, feel free to ask. Good luck!
Thanks, I appreciate
I fell ya dude , it's been the same for me and after another dozen of relapses from my good streak I have also started looking for an AP.If you want to add me, here is my discord:Alex91#9244
On day 4 and almost relapsed by edging for 2 mins .I know it is not a good thing to edge but for now I won t count this as a relapse .Hope you all are going strong,brothers