New Fapstronaut, been trying to quit 7 months now

Barney Durden

New Fapstronaut
Greetings community!

Glad I found you people. I'm a new Fapstronaut here, who came to the realization
that this a problem needed to be solved 7 months ago, when I was experiencing DE during intercourse with my girlfriend, many times not orgasming at all. She pointed out that this was not OK and after some introspection I realised I was a porn addict and that was taking an effect on my love life.

Over the last 7 months I have had 4 periods of quitting for about a month and then a subsequent relapse. I've had edging, I've flatlined and even used P-SUBS like Instagram browsing in order to justify my addiction. All to no lasting effect.

Glad I found this community, because it feels easier when you know a LOT of people are going through the same thing and we're all in this together,trying to heal towards healthier sex lives.

Any pointers, or advice would be much appreciated. Interested to hear what helped you most in overcoming your addiction.
Started my counter as of today and hope to never restart it :D

All the best people
Welcome to this great community!

I recommend you to read "Success stories", will help you a lot.

Don't forget to fight, you can do this.
You are trying to quit from 7 months.
Watch me, I am trying the same from almost 18 months.
Just created an a/c on this site, hope this ll help me.