New Fapstronaut here


Sup guys. I have been researching this for about a month now and it looks as if it has extreme benefits. I've looked at a lot of success stories as well as relapses. My intent is not to approach this as a challenge but rather as a way of life.

I'm 31 and I stumbled across my dads porn stash when I was 11. So yea, about 20 years. I haven't experienced erectile dysfunction or even had a problem getting women. No problems in the bedroom whatsoever and my woman is hot and likes to have sex regularly. My problem is I got obsessed with porn and jacking off so much that I would have sex with the intention of taking video/pics just to jack off to my own porn. It was like my little trophies. I realized I was seeing women as objects and pretty much analyzing them all in the best way to achieve my sexual desire. I wasted hours of my time masturbating watching videos, and analyzing photos. I would even have sex and then go pull up porn and masturbate for a couple hours.

I've got a lot of ideas and dreams and once I start I always procrastinate on moving forward. I just wouldn't feel like putting the plan into action. I was super lazy. I always had time for porn though.

I have now realized this is really destructive behavior and happy I've come across this movement. Right now I haven't masturbated since August 27th. The second day I felt the urge REALLY bad but I didn't do it. Instead I took all the nudes I have out of my gallery on my phone. I've deleted Snapchat, IG, Tumblr, anything with sexually suggestive material. That has made it a lot easier.

Glad to be here and I'll definitely be posting a journal going more in depth about things I've experienced.
Hey @WasteonurFace, welcome to Nofap! I myself started watching porn at about 7-8 years of age, and also wasted many, many hours masturbating and watching videos, as well as constantly objectifying women. A lot of my dreams have also gone, and sometimes I feel a lack of motivation. Browse around this site for some helpful tips. Wish you all the best.
Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
I've just taken all nudes off my phone as well as any social networks outside of FB. If I get bored I leave the house and find something to do. The second day was the hardest so far but I'm pretty much sailing through it at the moment. I still think about it, but the urge doesn't outweigh the benefits I want to receive.