New Guy



I hear about this website from a youtuber by the name of "Alpha M", and thought it was a great place, but not for me.

That was before I started to let sexual addiction control my life. I've let my addiction to talk to women online ruin a past relationship, and my inability to control myself has severely hindered my current relationship with a girl I have every intention to marry.

Long story short, I decided to make an account to find support and strategies to help me become a better person for myself, and become the man she deserves.

And my name is Curtis, it's a pleasure to meet you all.
Hi Curtis,
Nice to meet you here.
Do you already have some strategies to quit PMO?

Good luck and hope you have a good time here!
Hey Curtis,

Welcome man! If you haven't already I recommend you do some research on the effects of porn. I've heard people recommend You may find something there that you recognize in your own life and that can motivate you to start strong.

Other than that all I have to say is you're not alone and keep strong!
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Wishing you all the best for your reboot