Hello everybody, I'm completely new at this
I'm normally not the kind of person who shares a lot in media, or when interacting with others. That doesn't mean I don't like to talk or that I don't enjoy company, it's just that I tend to be very selective about sharing my private life with others. But I feel like it can be different here. To be honest, I'm kinda scared to do this! But here it goes:
I'm a young christian woman of 22, and never thought I'd be in this position. I currently don't watch porn although I did some years ago. I was able to stop that, but something harder to stop started in my life when about a year ago, I saw a post on fb about masturbating as part of a feminist movement, and I did it for the first time ever in my life. Since then, I've been struggling to stop it and it's only getting harder! Specially because there's no one I feel confident enough with to talk about it without feeling like they will judge me mostly because of my faith! I feel terribly alone and frustrated! And even guilty !
l have tried so hard to stop it! But nothing has worked for longer than maybe 20 days in a row? I recently started to think that I'd never be freed from it.
But looking for help resources on the internet I came across a testimony from a guy who said this community was the reason why he could conquer his addiction to porn and masturbation, and left the link there. So I clicked on it and well, here I am!!
This is my rebooting day number 0, hahaha, actually I have had maybe 8 days without relapsing, but tonight I relapsed... Again ... So I decided it was time to look for a different kind of help and be honest with somebody about this issue in my life. I do want to stop this, and I'll do whatever it takes to accomplish my goal.
Also, I want to help others to be able to talk about this issue even when their faith plays a major role in their lives and because of it they feel they can't ask for help from others who share their faith!
But you guys, I'd love it if this time, I can get help from others, and for the first time not to feel so alone in this - I want to call it - war!
I don't even have a strategic plan on how to stop it at the moment, all I know is that I have had enough of this, and I'm tired of the relapse and try again all alone cycle. Also, I'm ready to do some changes in my life as I help others do the same
Thank you for reading!
I'm normally not the kind of person who shares a lot in media, or when interacting with others. That doesn't mean I don't like to talk or that I don't enjoy company, it's just that I tend to be very selective about sharing my private life with others. But I feel like it can be different here. To be honest, I'm kinda scared to do this! But here it goes:
I'm a young christian woman of 22, and never thought I'd be in this position. I currently don't watch porn although I did some years ago. I was able to stop that, but something harder to stop started in my life when about a year ago, I saw a post on fb about masturbating as part of a feminist movement, and I did it for the first time ever in my life. Since then, I've been struggling to stop it and it's only getting harder! Specially because there's no one I feel confident enough with to talk about it without feeling like they will judge me mostly because of my faith! I feel terribly alone and frustrated! And even guilty !
l have tried so hard to stop it! But nothing has worked for longer than maybe 20 days in a row? I recently started to think that I'd never be freed from it.
But looking for help resources on the internet I came across a testimony from a guy who said this community was the reason why he could conquer his addiction to porn and masturbation, and left the link there. So I clicked on it and well, here I am!!
This is my rebooting day number 0, hahaha, actually I have had maybe 8 days without relapsing, but tonight I relapsed... Again ... So I decided it was time to look for a different kind of help and be honest with somebody about this issue in my life. I do want to stop this, and I'll do whatever it takes to accomplish my goal.
Also, I want to help others to be able to talk about this issue even when their faith plays a major role in their lives and because of it they feel they can't ask for help from others who share their faith!
But you guys, I'd love it if this time, I can get help from others, and for the first time not to feel so alone in this - I want to call it - war!
I don't even have a strategic plan on how to stop it at the moment, all I know is that I have had enough of this, and I'm tired of the relapse and try again all alone cycle. Also, I'm ready to do some changes in my life as I help others do the same
Thank you for reading!