New member + Accountability Partner/group?


New Fapstronaut
Hi everyone,

My name is Sam and I am starting my abstinence journey today.

I have been a user of adult content for around 13 years and it was only a few years ago when I first attempted to stop that I realised how much of an issue it really was. I have attempted to stop many times now but have struggled to make it more than a couple days. My longest period without it was around 25 days at the beginning of this year. I am at the point now where I am putting in all the precautions necessary to beat this.

I will be abstaining from adult content from today, and to help reboot my system I will also be abstaining from masturbation and sex for at least 90 days.

Also, if there is anyone here would like to be accountability partners please let me know. Whether you're also just starting or further along in your journey i think it would be helpful to have one or more people to regularly check up on and vice versa.

Thank you for having me and I wish the best to all of you with your goals!
My name is Sam and I am starting my abstinence journey today.

I am at the point now where I am putting in all the precautions necessary to beat this.
Welcome @refresh_sam ,

The struggle is daily and the soul can be week. Take heart, the sin of PMO can be overcome.

Take it one day, one hour or one minute at a time, because PMO can rewire the brain with proven complications.

PIED - Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction which is caused by your brain demanding the "perfect" images it sees in porn. Then, in real life things are not so "perfect" and an erection is impossible.

DE - Delayed Ejaculation. This can be caused by medication as well, but PMO can cause delayed ejaculation during real sex also. With a brain that's rewired by PMO being used to seeing perfect images to ejaculate, real life sex might not provide enough stimulation.

Death Grip - frequent PMO rubs on the nerves in the penis. After a time, their is some nerve damage. So, gripping a bit more firmly happens. This new firmer grip rubs deeper nerves and it works for a while. Then, those nerves are damaged. With daily pmo, the nerve damage can be extensive and PMO will just continue the cycle until ejaculation is almost impossible.

Prone Masturbation - frequently cited as the form of masturbation that causes the most nerve damage. As opposed to manual stimulation, Prone Masturbation uses the full body weight to rub on a bed or a pillow. Most PMO experts suggest never using this form of masturbation.

If you have a problem with PMO, you are in the right place.

PMO destroys Mind, Body and Spirit and is a tool of evil.

Healing through Inspiration can be found at:

Matthew 5:30 (click for link to quote)
Galations 5:12 (Click for link to quote)
Matthew 19:12 (Click for link to quote)

Never give up,
