New Member - PMO free for 50 days



I have been porn free since sometime in the middle of April, and I gave up masturbation starting April 25. I have not reset once. I was very proud of myself, thinking that I could do all of this by myself. I had visited NoFap and read some resources and stories and whatnot, but I didn't think I needed to reach out for help. But slowly, I'm starting to realize not everything is okay. I feel a deep sense of shame for my addiction, that is weighing down on my heart like a black pit. So I am here to seek help from other people who have had to wrestle with these same demons.

I've been watching porn since I was 12, or something. Basically forever. Even before I watched porn, I think I was a sexually compulsive child. I'm trying to overcome that now If any of you could point me in the right direction for overcoming compulsive thoughts and behavior, as well as the shame that can come with overcoming porn addiction, I would be very grateful.
Really cool post. A lot of us are just like you brother. You are definitely not alone! If you were, trust me, you would not be here!

Thank you for posting and welcome to Nofap. Big up for expressing your truth in the very honest way you have. Thank you!

Personally, I don't have answers for you, but I have suffered enough to hold good advice, regardless of whether or not I execute it all myself.

I'd say this:

  • Join the Nofap Drop-in Group. Here you will find a lot of kind hearted people who share very similar experiences to you and this connection can be truly liberating!
  • Learn to be honest with yourself. The Drop-in group will definitely help with this sooner, or later.
  • Take notes on your recovery. Stay conscious of where you are and at from what point you start from.
  • If you are not conscious of your progress, then seriously, where do you expect to be in 6-12 months time, or more?
  • This is not a short term flight plan, so stop thinking you can cure yourself in a matter of weeks or months, as this is totally unrealistic and will only cause you greater problems further down the line.
This journey is tough and only for the brave. You must be tough and brave or else you wouldn't be here.