New Start, Day 1


New Fapstronaut
I am super thankful that I have found this place. Thank you every one. I have been looking for support to overcome porn addiction for a long time. I recently managed to go for about 2 months without porn but slowly sank back into it. small amounts at first and increasing. I recently lost my long term partner, partly due to my lack of interest in sex with her and my secret porn habit. This really messed up my sex focus. Its been about 10 years of use, and I want to be free and have amazing sex with a real partner. I am lucky to be meeting my new lover in 3 weeks. I really really don't want to be sexually dysfunctional. So abstinence is what I am going to practice, no porn, no masturbation and I need support in order to achieve this......
Welcome to NoFap. Try to do something with your time, that will lead to less time to focus on pornography and masturbation. You're not likely going to view pornography when you're baking cookies for your friend who is sick or helping your neighbor with gardening.