Hello everyone there!
Yes l am new to this and wanted to say thanks to eveyone. Many inspirational stuff here. Amazed to see a community where people talk so sincerely about their weaknesses and pain.The pic l chose for my avatar belongs to a movie that l recommend you, it is called The Seven Samurai.
Soon l will reach day 30 in my first streak. I will post my views and my experiences in this way of existing that has come to stay. Thanks again bros and stay focused!!
Yes l am new to this and wanted to say thanks to eveyone. Many inspirational stuff here. Amazed to see a community where people talk so sincerely about their weaknesses and pain.The pic l chose for my avatar belongs to a movie that l recommend you, it is called The Seven Samurai.
Soon l will reach day 30 in my first streak. I will post my views and my experiences in this way of existing that has come to stay. Thanks again bros and stay focused!!