New user needing help


New Fapstronaut
Hi guys I'm new-ish here. Been trying to reboot for a while, but this is my first posting. I never really planned on posting but after monitoring and assesing my previous reboot attempts I really need to reach out for help and support. I'm going to take a look at the accountability partner and groups section after i post this, but i'm hoping some people can offer me helpful advice or support on what to do.

So first off a little bit about myself, I'm a 19 year old male. I love learning and studying new things and I love bettering myself, i want to be the best most evolved version of myself. I'm a 5 time regional champion in hammer throw, 2 time in javelin and 1 time in discus. Although i only train for hammer throw and my goal is to go to the olympics with my hammer throw. I love training and going to the gym. I am also a freelance web developer, which is currently my 'job'(if you want to call it that? I tend not to call it that because I love it so I never consider it work) I like reading and listening to audiobooks lots, mostly educational. I'm also currently studying massage therapy. Also I am vegan, i believe in respecting all living beings. If there was only one life goal I could choose, it would be to show everyone what they are truly capable of. Sorry for the huge introduction about myself just thought it might be a cool way to get to know some similar people on here.

So I have tried rebooting multiple times, at one point i thought i had rebooted. I didnt watch porn for over 2 months. However I did masturbate and during the second month I started reading erotica stories, which... led back to porn :/ I've niw realised even the first month I was still vizualising pornographic scenarios whilst masturbating. I finally decided about two weeks ago to create an account on here, I set up my counter and well it has made it very apparent how severe my addiction to porn, masturbation and orgasm actually are. The first time round I barely manage 7 days. The second time I managed only 3 days. Both relapses have been pretty bad and resulted in multiple pmo sessions because of the chaser effect. Now it's the second relapse after which I am writing this right now and it has really made me realise how bad my addiction actually is. Why? because well this relapse was bad, it wasnt just to porn, but too transexual porn which i have no problem with except that I don't enjoy it and in all honesty I feel disgusting watching. But that's sort of what the turn on is. I am honestly frightened because I really don't know who I am when I'm pmo'ing because i become a totally different person and it upsets and I'm worried if i don't sort this it's going to ruin my life. Normally I am strong will'd and committed. But pmo'ing as i said makes me totally different, I pursue things that disgust and frighten me and things theactual aware me does not want to do or be involved in. I wrote this nearly crying because I am truly afraid of how this could affect me and how i feel somewhat powerless over pmo'ing even though I know I'm not and i will conquer this evenif i fail a thousand times first( I would say a hundred but I think I've already passed that, lol 100 lessons right?)

I plan on making a journal of my progress on here and showing my journey and improvements and keeping it as real as possible. I will probably do either weekly or monthly updates plus posting any time i relapse and my evaluation of what steps I am going to take next time to avoid making the same mistake.

Thank you dearly to anyone who responds to this and I wish everyone a happy life and a succesful reboot. Also please tell me a bit about yourself in your reply an dyour story as too why you are rebooting would be super cool to get to know some of you on here!
Hey Owen2341,
Welcome to the NoFap community!
Congratulations on taking the step to start posting. I know you'll find a great community here.
I introduced myself here.
I'm so encouraged by this post. You seem to 'get it' and have a strong desire to overcome PMO.
Feel free to reach out (via private message) to me or anyone else here if you have questions or just want to talk.
Best of luck during your reboot.
Again, Welcome!
Welcome @Owen2341, I'm glad you're here!

I listened to a talk recently that made several good points, one of which was that we tend to act out because we're sad or lonely, and we are in the habit of using masturbation and porn to make ourselves feel better. So the answer is to re-learn how to deal with feeling sad and lonely, by seeking out real, human experiences instead. He didn't mean sex, he meant, just connecting with another person.

That makes a lot of sense to me, and this site can help. I hope you keep coming back.
I plan on making a journal of my progress on here and showing my journey and improvements and keeping it as real as possible. I will probably do either weekly or monthly updates plus posting any time i relapse and my evaluation of what steps I am going to take next time to avoid making the same mistake.

Hey @Owen2341 ,

Very glad you are here.

When I arrived here, I was very confused by the program. So many terms, ideas, different opinions. I was in some ways as overwhelmed with NoFap as I was with pmo.

I found two things that helped me.

First, was reading up on the program and figuring out where to start and how to work my program. The best page is the one with the list of all the resources available.

That page explained the program. I read every article and watched all the videos on that page.

Next, was the community. By getting involved, reading people's posts, remembering to "like" the posts, reading the post not only in the forum, but on people's profiles, I found a great group of people.

This is a diverse community. We have religious people and secular ones. There are men and women. People with months of no pmo and those just starting out. As well, there are many different approaches to remove porn from our lives forever.

Keep reading posts and profiles. You will find someone who is telling your own story. Keep posting your own story, someone needs to read it.

Looking forward to reading many more posts from you,

- L
One of the ways I got involved with the fellowship was by reading some really great journals.

I've included journals from all age groups, spiritual members, religious members, secular members, male and female. You should find journals that help. If not, look around, there are hundreds of others from which to choose. When I say "it works if you work it", reading journals is part of that work.

Once you open a journal, click "Watch Thread" in the upper right of the page to get alerts when new posts are made. Here are just a few:

@2525 Journals at:
@Visor Journals at:
@Dragonnlife Journals at:
@weddingnails Journals at:
@Struggle Bug Journals at:
@BigDawg913 Journals at:
@Sunshadow Journals at:
@kropo82 Journals at:
@tet2vd Journals at:
@Protagoras Journals at:
@Tomoya Okazaki Journals at:

There are many more, and you can discover them on your own. But, these are great places to start.

This is a work in progress. So, if a journal has changed or is no longer active, look around there are some amazing journals on here.

- L