New years resolution 365+ days

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My aim is forever.
And do not worry about the no ejaculation issue, because it is not a problem. When your brain sees that you have too much sperm, it will simply make you orgasm while you sleep. Do not worry ;)
Great streak at your age. You say forever but saying that at 15 is same as say it at 3 years of age.
Im on my streak until today yet have to experience wet dream. Simply been careful and taking cold showers before sleep when I felt wet dreams are close. Also saying to subconcious mind before sleep - I will not see sexual dreams- helps to wake up even without erection. I wake up with erection only if I havent took cold shower before sleep and urges are stronger those days too.
270+ days - there was a time when I thought, that I would never make it to this point. Hell, there was even a time when I did not think about to stop fapping. But here I am.
And as the nights get longer and the days get colder here in central Europe, I realize that I am a lot different then I used to be.
Back in 2016, at pretty much the same time of the year, I relapsed from my then longest streak and I was in a bad place. Psychologically.
I again got triggered by every pretty girl I saw on the streets. I even realized the exact moment and still remember the exact thoughts, I even acknowledged to myself what just happened ("Well, this girl triggered me. I'll go home and fap to porn.")
And I knew that a mindset like this is really bad, but I still decided to give myself time to cope with the situation and to level out what I like about fapping and about porn. Therefore I decided to "wait" until the beginning of 2017 and start then with my new reboot.
This decision had several advantages: first of all it did not feel rushed. It was more like "easing" into it. I was still able to make up my mind about PMO and I realized the other things I had to take care of (e.g. blackout drinking).
And at my first long streak I desperately tried not to count the days, because I tried to keep my mind away from the PMO monster as good as possible.
But this time around I consciously choose a day (1st of January) and I use a counter. Because I figured, that it might be better to face the thoughts than just to try and avoid them.
Where am I know?
Now I can safely say, that I realized that porn is bad and not healthy at all (at least for me - maybe there is something that justifies its existence and its role in society, but I am not sure about that) and I also think that fapping is something unnatural.
There are very brief moments when I think about porn. And I let them happen. A couple of day ago I was going to work and suddenly I caught myself thinking about porn. I don't know why and I am pretty sure that I have not been triggered. The difference now is, that I can easily dismiss the thoughts and with a smile on my face can go on with my life.
The fact that I almost entirely quit drinking helps a lot. Regular sports activities do too.
Apart from that I know that there are many more things to improve in my life and maybe I was able to beat the PMO monster only because I substituted it with other habits. There are good ones (sports) and there are bad ones (watching movies and shows).
So I guess I will take the rest of this year to make up my mind about the things I want to change in 2018, so that the PMO monster slides down a spot on my list of negative things and it gets replaced by something different to fight, and every year something new is going to be put on top of it - until the PMO monster is fully covered, invisible and only a distant memory...
I hope my words can help some of you, because I really think that our fight is very important.
I wish everybody who decided to read my thoughts, and everybody else as well :) , all the best. Good luck, and never give up: it is totally worth it.
Really enjoy your encouraging words and think that 300+ days is incredible. Congratulations!
243 and still counting.
August has passed and I have to say, that I feel totally normal.
Well, at least what I consider as feeling normal, because I actually do not know how to feel normal, because I have been fapping for way more than half of my life.
I experienced one disadvantage regarding the benefits: after a while they are not that important anymore. At first I was happy and satisfied that I saw so many positive changes. But one day those changes turn to be normal and therefore they do not feel special anymore.
So I can not pretend to say, that I am still "growing" - porn and fapping are just out of the question.
But maybe to test myself, I took a risk and went out with some friends and got very drunk (I decided to stop drinking when I started my reboot at the beginning of this year) - and nothing happened. So I can assume, that I could get drunk from time to time without being worried about doing something stupid (fapping, or even worse: hookers) afterwards. That's a plus.
But nevertheless: I realized that alcohol is still bad, so I think I won't put myself to the test again.
At the moment there is nothing more to say.
I wish you guys all the best.
For some reason the benefits actually freak me out. I don't want them to stir my motivation and make me too cocky. IMO what you said here about the benefits becoming normal isn't a terrible place to be in. Seems like your life without PMO is gaining ground.
Great streak at your age. You say forever but saying that at 15 is same as say it at 3 years of age.
Im on my streak until today yet have to experience wet dream. Simply been careful and taking cold showers before sleep when I felt wet dreams are close. Also saying to subconcious mind before sleep - I will not see sexual dreams- helps to wake up even without erection. I wake up with erection only if I havent took cold shower before sleep and urges are stronger those days too.

Hi pcmaster. I think you are an old timer here. Nice post, but is it not counter productive to affirm something like "I will not" instead of affirming "I will"?
IGY, Does the number of years someone has been addicted to PMO matters? i mean, not when he started to PMO but when it affected his health and he became ADDICTED to it?

It's tougher on people who grew up watching porn compared to those who discovered it during their adult life. But more importantly it is about how EXTREME your addiction was. If you lived on softcore for 8 years, you probably won't be as affected as those who watched extreme or even gay stuff (for those who are naturally straight) for just 2-3 years. So yes, the number of years does matter but also does the extremity of the addiction.
For some reason the benefits actually freak me out. I don't want them to stir my motivation and make me too cocky. IMO what you said here about the benefits becoming normal isn't a terrible place to be in. Seems like your life without PMO is gaining ground.
Hello there.
Yes, my life without PMO is gaining ground - "problem" is, that without PMO there is nothing left to blame...but myself. What I want to say is, that getting rid of PMO does not automatically solve all your problems.
But with it out of the way, I can concentrate on other things.
Hello there.
Yes, my life without PMO is gaining ground - "problem" is, that without PMO there is nothing left to blame...but myself. What I want to say is, that getting rid of PMO does not automatically solve all your problems.
But with it out of the way, I can concentrate on other things.
I feel that same way
Okay, I am beyond the 30 days mark, therefore I am allowed to post here.
A short summary: I joined NoFap quite a while ago, and after a 100+ days streak of not fapping back in 2016, I thought I would be cured. I saw the benefits (only psychological) but I was worried that not fapping could be unhealthy (since I do not have a girlfriend).
So I broke my streak and went back to PMO.
At first only occasionally, but then more regularly again (but max. 3 or 4 times a week).
In late September I thought to myself, that I should try to get rid of that bad habit again (main reason was that I, when PMO is part of my life, keep on objectifying women) - but I gave myself time until the beginning of 2017. Why wait? I guess I wanted a proper farewell :)
Now I am here, 31 days hard mode, and I feel very good. My self-confidence keeps on rising day by day (I have to add that I started with boxing in October, and additionally I work out - I think these things are very important too).
The reason why I write this post is, that I actually have some questions (which might help me to not make the same mistake as last time):
Where to go from here? What should I see as the ultimate goal? To not masturbate for how long? I know, 90 days are considered as a reboot - and after that? Are my worries about the "not ejaculate health issue" justified?
Any thoughts appreciated.
Stay strong and I wish you all the best.

P.S.: The benefits I got so far (apart from the rising confidence) are:
- more lucid dreams
- better focus (e.g. when studying)
- better time management (because not everything revolves around fapping and whatever comes with it)
- positive attitude towards life in general

I can't promise you that your beard will grow faster, that your muscles will get bigger or that you will become a womanizer all of the sudden - but I think that that is not what it all should be about. I think it should be about improving yourself and becoming the best possible you - and in my opinion that would be someone without an addiction to PMO.

...I just realized that I might have answered my own questions :)
But alright, I'll still leave the text as it is, maybe someone wants to add something.
Once you are addicted, you're addicted, even if you manage to stay away from it for a long time, do not go back to PMO, EVER. You will just start all over again. I know it seems unfair that so many other people who do it can do it when they want, but because we like PMO more and want more of it, we should never have it, seems really messed up but that's the way it is... Leave PMO behind and NEVER go back to it.
I am now beyond the 40 days mark and as a benefit I realized, that the self confidence came back. When I had my longest NoFap streak last year, I had a moment when I felt as if nothing could get to me anymore. I thought that it would be no problem to sustain the level of confidence that I had - even if I would fap. And I was proven wrong.
All I can say now is, that the effort is totally worth it. Don't give up!!!
So another month passed and I am beginning to make up my mind about my current streak. I know that I can go on like this for a very long time (maybe it really is easier the second time 'round). The main reason might be, that I still avoid alcohol (because I used to do stupid things, when I was drunk - including fapping).
Apart from that I'd say I am also still on track: after a little illness I went back to the boxing training this week and I try to work out an additional 3 times a week.
Work is boring as hell at the moment, but I found something way more interesting (and much better payed). So the day before yesterday I had a first conversation via phone, and if everything goes as planned, I might have a job interview pretty soon.
College runs as always: I am definitely not the most motivated student, but I am still doing fine. Now that spring is here, I consider going out more - maybe even take my documents and learn in one of the many parks of the city.
And I signed up on one of the countless dating sites. Turns out, that if you create a "unusual" profile (I did answer all of the given questions in a fun way) girls start sending you messages. But so far I did not really develop interest in someone particular. Or vice versa.
I still do not think about porn too much. Or at least I know that I can dismiss the thoughts whenever they come up (almost daily meditation might be the reason for this).
And even if this sounds as if I would keep myself busy, I still can say, that there is plenty of time left almost every day. So there is room for improvement.

These were the positive things. But wherever there is positive, there also has to be negative.
Socializing still does not really work. I'd say I have one good friend with whom I really get along (and with his girlfriend too). But aside from that I'd have to admit, that the guys at work are the closest thing to friends I have in this town (therefore getting the new job would even reduce my almost non existent social life). And to be honest: I really do not know how I can get rid of this problem. Sometimes I meet new people, and after a while I realize that there is no connection. And I guess it is not them, I am pretty sure that it is me. Because I think that I am pretty boring - and therefore it is very difficult for me to keep up a proper conversation: I just do not know what to talk about. And I have the feeling that this problem might stay with me for a very long time...

Last but not least the benefits of not fapping:
- (unfortunately?) no wet dreams (at least I can not remember a single one)
- more self confidence (finally this great feeling of "not giving a sh*t" is back - but in a good way: I still do care about things, but I can also tell other people in a very self-confident way that they should mind their own business. Last time I had this feeling, I did not really think that it has to do with not fapping only. I thought that, even if I would fap, this feeling would just stay. Turns out I was horribly wrong)
- not objectifying women any more: I still do appreciate beauty, but I do not feel the need to turn my head for every pretty ass ;-)
- better mood in general: I always thought, that the weather or the seasons could not have an effect on my mood. Why would they? But I think I was wrong again. Spring is here and everything seems to be easier. And since my mood was not too bad to begin with, I can really say, that I haven't felt this good in many years.

I guess that's it for this month.
Keep up the good fight. I wish you all the best.

IInspired by lots of your experiences , I dont think your boring in fact I think you are very interesting individual with great qualities and room for exceptional achievements, remember that your beliefs make you. If youve never had a chance to look at the book , "no more mr.nice guy" look at it its good.cheers
IInspired by lots of your experiences , I dont think your boring in fact I think you are very interesting individual with great qualities and room for exceptional achievements, remember that your beliefs make you. If youve never had a chance to look at the book , "no more mr.nice guy" look at it its good.cheers
Thank you very much for your kind words :-)
I am definitely going to check out the book.
The end of the year is coming closer and it is time to think about the pros and cons of my NoFap journey.
At the end of this month I'll post a list of things that crossed my mind, but for now I'd like to say, that I am still very proud of myself.
Sure the last year was not without its ups and downs, but when it comes to "not fapping" I can safely say, that I achieved what I was hoping: a perfect record.
There were many strange moments psychologically: from the battle of good and evil in my mind (good being not wanting to fap and bad being the reasons why fapping would be the right thing to do), to the constant thoughts about life, love and loneliness.
As I mentioned before, I still think it is mandatory that we all should adjust more aspects of our life to become a different, and therefore, better person.
And even if it seems hopeless sometimes, remember that every day is a new opportunity to change for the better and every obstacle is a chance to grow.
So I wish everybody who is reading this all the best, and may you all get whatever you are looking for...
You have every reason to be proud! As you probably already know for many this is not an easy challenge and like you mentioned there are many ups and downs. Judging by your counter I have no doubt by now you will accomplish your goals. I noticed you are 77 days ahead of me. We can do this! I look forward to reading your 1 year post.
Thx for all the positive replies.
In sports (e.g. martial arts) there is a saying: "If you want to achieve true mastery, you have to practice for 10 000 hours". So if i calculate with being awake for approx. 16 hours a day, this would mean, that I would have to stay PMO free for 625 there is a new goal :)
I'm with you on this one! 625 here we come!
You have every reason to be proud! As you probably already know for many this is not an easy challenge and like you mentioned there are many ups and downs. Judging by your counter I have no doubt by now you will accomplish your goals. I noticed you are 77 days ahead of me. We can do this! I look forward to reading your 1 year post.
Thx my friend.
The main benefit of the NoFap website to me is, to know that I am not alone with my problem.
Therefore I hope that as many of us as possible will win the fight against our demons.
And I am sure that we both can make it to the 625 days mark and beyond - and I am really looking forward to it.
I wish you all the best
One year later...
So now I have come full circle and in my mind the moment when I decided to stop fapping does not feel to far away - and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Definitely.
There are so many advantages I experienced throughout this year:
- I do not feel "urges" anymore (by that I mean that I do not want to compensate my problems with PMO)
- I objectify women less - unfortunately it is still impossible to ignore certain aspects of the female anatomy, but this got a lot better than it used to be and I mostly blame the media, ads and biology/instinct ;-)
- I am able to talk to women and chat with them in a fun and sympathetic way (most of these experiences happened to me within the last couple of weeks - and I noticed that I am not nervous anymore. At all.)
- I am more satisfied with myself in general (I still work out approximately 3 times a week - that might be a reason for a lot of the positive effects as well)
- overall confidence is at an all time high
- I am more laid back when I think about life and its obstacles
- I grew way more patient

But there are also negative things or things that I could still improve:
- in my opinion I am still procrastinating too much
- still no girlfriend - my major goal for 2018 is to find a nice girlfriend :-)
- many positive effects which resulted from the PMO abstinence became "normal"
- my social life could be better (I have only a few good friends - apart from them I mostly think people are stupid, but since I seem to be part of a minority when it comes to certain views on important aspects of life, I think that maybe I am the idiot and everybody else is "normal")
- there are a lot of decisions to make which would have a major impact on my life. And until now I have postponed them
- in a couple of weeks I turn 37 but I still feel as if I do not know what my purpose in life is or where I would like to end up

So for 2018 I will try to reach 625 PMO free days - and after that I will consider myself healed so that I can move on with my life and focus on all the other stuff.

I wish you all the best for 2018 and beyond.
I hope you are alright and you will keep up the fight because what we do is very important.

Good luck and thx for reading my two cents :-)
One year later...
So now I have come full circle and in my mind the moment when I decided to stop fapping does not feel to far away - and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Definitely.
There are so many advantages I experienced throughout this year:
- I do not feel "urges" anymore (by that I mean that I do not want to compensate my problems with PMO)
- I objectify women less - unfortunately it is still impossible to ignore certain aspects of the female anatomy, but this got a lot better than it used to be and I mostly blame the media, ads and biology/instinct ;-)
- I am able to talk to women and chat with them in a fun and sympathetic way (most of these experiences happened to me within the last couple of weeks - and I noticed that I am not nervous anymore. At all.)
- I am more satisfied with myself in general (I still work out approximately 3 times a week - that might be a reason for a lot of the positive effects as well)
- overall confidence is at an all time high
- I am more laid back when I think about life and its obstacles
- I grew way more patient

But there are also negative things or things that I could still improve:
- in my opinion I am still procrastinating too much
- still no girlfriend - my major goal for 2018 is to find a nice girlfriend :)
- many positive effects which resulted from the PMO abstinence became "normal"
- my social life could be better (I have only a few good friends - apart from them I mostly think people are stupid, but since I seem to be part of a minority when it comes to certain views on important aspects of life, I think that maybe I am the idiot and everybody else is "normal")
- there are a lot of decisions to make which would have a major impact on my life. And until now I have postponed them
- in a couple of weeks I turn 37 but I still feel as if I do not know what my purpose in life is or where I would like to end up

So for 2018 I will try to reach 625 PMO free days - and after that I will consider myself healed so that I can move on with my life and focus on all the other stuff.

I wish you all the best for 2018 and beyond.
I hope you are alright and you will keep up the fight because what we do is very important.

Good luck and thx for reading my two cents :)

Very inspiring report brother. I wish you all the best for this year too & may you find a nice girl :)
congrats brother ...i wish u a great year
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