
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BrockDaster, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. BrockDaster

    BrockDaster Fapstronaut

    I'm 51 been married for almost 30 years to a attractive and sexy woman. So why would I need PMO. Well it started in the seventh grade I was cleaning it and it went off, I didn't even ejaculate but the feeling was unreal. Then later instead of giving me the talk my dad handed my a stack of playboy's and said don't tell your mom. I was hooked. Later I learned about phone sex, bookstores, prostitutes, experimenting with same sex attraction and transgender attraction.
    I have been able to stop everything except Internet porn. I have had good streaks of a week but mostly because of lack of opportunities. When I'm not working I'm home alone and it's difficult not to pick up my tablet and start searching for something to get off to. And afterwards the feeling of guilt and dissapointment. I recently stopped talking medication for depression, aftet TMS therapy my dr. Felt I was cured. I thought PMO was part of my depression. But it's not. I am starting again today as I viewed but did not MO today. Wish me luck. Sorry so long but writing out the truth make me feel better.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome Brock, I'm glad you're here.

    I hope you keep coming back.