Newbie introducing myself


New Fapstronaut
Hey guys! Really excited to give this a go and see if it can change my life for the better.

So where to start.. i suppose ill go with the typical structure in the guide and let myself stray from there.

I’m a 26 year old Male and I’ve been watching porn for as long as I have known without really noticing the consequences of it until now.... how did I get to this conclusion... well I’ll start with my past and go from there. Until recently I have always been a typical single bachelor. I was a gym bro. I treated women with mass disrespect and totally objectified them... all I cared about was pussy, it was all i thought about all day every day. I was obsessed. If I wasn’t out trying to get girls i was messaging girls or scouring instagram for new girls to dm. If I wasn’t doing that i was watching porn (however not often masturbating, maybe once a week or 2). My sex life was wild, most of the girls I was fucking were wild or would be at least when I fucked them. It’s definitely safe to say I got all my filthy ideas from porn. I am in the military so i could and would have multiple girls and girlfriends in many different locations at once.

Oh one thing I’ve missed. Ive always had an issue ejaculating whenever I’ve had a drink... (I can’t cum after even 2 beers) and I’ve always taken a while to cum even when sober, no matter how filthy the sex was... I would average around 20 minutes.

Anyway after a few relationships and many one night stands or side girls, and after sleeping with well over 100 women, I started to care more about the company and quality of the other sex over quantity. I started to value women and began to date based on likes and dislikes. After a period of selective dating I have finally met the girl of my dreams and i love her more than anything. We have been together just over a year now and have just bought our first home together (she lived with me in my old home previous to that), we have a dog together and our own happy life together. She’s currently not taking contraception but we’re not trying to have a baby.. if it happens it happens. I have never been more focused on my career, my side hustles and my future self than I am right now. I am no longer materialistic and care only about improving true quality of life for me and my partner.

It is only now at this point in my life that I’m starting to understand the sad reality of porn and the effects it has on our lives. You see the only issue I have had with my partner is that she is a gentle, slow and passionate lover. She has never watched porn or really explored her own body. It took a long time for her to get over being self conscious whenever we would have sex. She doesn’t like kinky sex or dirty talk or anything like that. I’m sure you guys get the picture... for a dude with a past like me the sex is really really dry. She’s unbelievably attractive but I’m just not getting the sort of wild dirty porno sex I was getting in the past.

At first I thought... she’s so boring... this is shit... etc etc... although I would never cheat on her because everything else about her is perfect. I was constantly looking at other women on my instagram (which had a lot of women on it from when i was single). So I deleted my old instagram and took a break from social media at the time thinking this would solve my issues as i wasn’t comparing my woman with either girls i had fucked in the past and was no longer scrolling past or unrealistic and edited photos of girls to compare to my partner.

However... no luck. Whenever I am around my girlfriend I have to really try and make myself horny, then when we finally fuck it is a 50/50 chance if I cum. 99% of the time I’m 30 minutes in and can tell she’s just done / disappointed. When I don’t cum I can tell she’s sad because she thinks i find her unattractive... even though she’s the most attractive women I’ve ever been with. So I’ve now built up this story that I’ve always had an issue ejaculating and always taken a long time to finish and that it’s just something that she needs to understand. It really upsets me because a) I can’t properly have sex with my partner and b) I’m now shrinking my own confidence by realising I have an issue.. I’ve gone from a total gym bro.. to a man who can’t properly please his partner because he can’t finish due to a sex life developed from porn!

So a few days ago I realised something.... I fap all the fucking time man! Because I work away from home, I’m beating my meat like a god damn mad man. I’m talking 2/3 times a day sometimes... and I’m watching some seriously dirty shit! And when I fap it can take between 20 minutes to an hour! So when i get home, no wonder I’m finding my totally normal, totally good hearted partner isn’t cutting it for me!

This thought led my down my own little rabbit hole...
About a year and a half before I met my partner I went through I’d say a 4/6 month period where i was sleeping with about 2 different women a week.. I was sleeping with lots of women and I was only masturbating about once every 2/3 weeks. And in that brief period of time i remember I was becoming a two pump chump, I was always horny and always sensitive. I remember getting blowjobs and finishing within 3-5 minutes (Before that I could NEVER finish from a blowjob). My penis wasn’t totally desensitised like it is now because I wasn’t treating it like a butchers sausage coming out of the meat grinder which is my hand!

And now we arrive to me sitting here right now writing this all down... (let me just quickly refer back to the guide so I can get back on track)........ Okay great I’m back on track.

So all this has led me to realise 3 things. 1) My partner isn’t boring in bed 2) I’m fap waaay too much. And 3) porn is a totally relationship ruiner, I can have a totally exciting sex life without needing it to look like a porno. It builds up fake images of sex and encourages gross stuff and makes woman look like objects.

And that’s why I plan on quitting porn.

Anyway, now that that’s over... lets get to the plan.
I’m at work now for the next 6 weeks. That’s 42 days. For the next 42 days I’m not going to masturbate. And for the rest of the foreseeable I will not watch any porn, as well as continue to keep from going on instagram and looking at unrealistic images of women / previous or past indulgences.

I currently haven’t fapped since Monday. I opened porn hub today as it was in my favourites and after looking for a few brief minutes i closed it and removed it from my favourites and deleted all my search history so it wont pop up and tempt me. So I’m 2 days NoFap.. and 0 days no porn.

What do you guys think about my story? Has anyone encountered/had a similar story to mine and has NoFap/porn solved the issue? Do any of you guys/girls/gender neutrals have any advice for me?

Hi @LiamB thank you for sharing your story, and all the detail as well as the motivation to why you are here, and what you want to get through NoFap.

You have a lot of motivation for the 42 days which sounds great. One question that isn't clear from what you've written - does your Significant Other know about your porn usage? Also have you had any conversation about your own sexual histories?

I understand (quite well as a matter of fact) that when I met the girl of my dreams having these conversations were hard, and I neglected to do this. 20+ years later, she discovers me using porn over several occasions, and this last time it was either her or the porn, and that was about 3 months ago. (You can see my journal for more of my own story.)

We minimize, we justify, we hide, we lie, we cover it up, we do this while away on business, we do this late at night, we think we get away with it, we think it makes no difference, we think everyone does it, we think this is normal.

And then Something Happens, we know we've got to stop, but it is practically impossible to stop. As if you needed to find out yourself if you are an addict, you can take this simple assessment. And you will find that breaking a sex or pornography addiction may well be the hardest thing you have ever tried to do.

If you listen to podcasts, I love Porn Free Radio, Matt Dobschuetz has a straightforward manner and philosophy. Here's his 'Get Started' page. (or rather, Start Here). If you read, I have several recommendations, but perhaps you can just start with the Green Book of SAA. Another great read is the Blue Book of AA (just substitute sex for alcohol and there you go). (Link is to the 1st edition, printed in the late 1930's, which I prefer due to changes made, but may pick up newer versions with updated stories that comprise the last half of the book.) If you use a computer (ha ha) I strongly recommend a strong tool like CovenantEyes.

Be sure to read this Porn Addiction Basics and the Basics of Rebooting. Many people jump into the forums and miss these important background articles (warning they are pretty long) to know what you are getting into, and how to get out of a stubborn addiction. The most important factor in my own recovery is getting several men to accompany me on this journey, known as Accountability Partners. Yes my own acting out may not be the same, the kinds of porn I liked is not the same, the kinds of fetishes whatever, it doesn't matter as the root causes are ALL the same.

I wish you the best in your 42-day journey. Feel free to come back here and post an update anytime, as well as reach out directly if i can help in any way. Cheers Luckydog
Fascinating story. Can't say that I can advise, but I do love your honesty and determination to sort things out. It's great that you haven't fapped since Monday and long may that last into your next 42 days.

Keep posting and connecting with us here at Nofap!


Welcome to Nofap Liam!
I can relate with a lot of what you say, especially the part of porn sex not translating to sex with a real partner. I lost a relationship with an amazing partner, partly due to that reason. There were things I wanted, and frequency I wanted, that were not normal in her eyes. She tried, but it was never enough. She could never meet the expectations porn had put on me. I wish I had gotten help before it ended, but life moves on. You sound like a disciplined guy. Use that on this journey and keep your girl. You can do it.
Hi brother, I can only give you one tip. You have to tackle the issue at the root. Through years of consuming porn, the mind is conditioned in one direction. Through constant repeated consumption of these videos, they get into the subconscious mind and get stuck there very deeply. Imagine a garden with a lot of weeds and the roots go very deep into the soil.

Porn destroys many things in life, including sex life. In porn your brain is exposed to a very high stimulus and anything that can't compete with that stimulus doesn't stimulate you. In this case, her girlfriend. It's like going from a Ferrari to an Opel. The Opel now seems very slow and run down. It takes a lot of time and persistence to cleanse her subconscious. It should go without saying that they avoid porn. What you should also avoid are the eggs that porn has planted in you. I am talking about sexual fantasies. Sexual fantasies are a product of porn. They must be stopped immediately. Every thought creates emotion and every emotion will create an action. This cannot be separated from each other. This is the key to purify your subconscious. If you fantasise, sooner or later you will definitely turn to porn. It's as sure as the sun reaching its zenith.

When you start fantasising, ask the person next to you to slap you or take a cold shower or better still, improve your cognitive ability to turn off the thought. The important thing is to interrupt the pattern. Otherwise, you will have to deal with this issue every day. Morning and evening. Through constant repetition, your subconscious garden will be cleared of these weeds and new medicinal plants will be grown. If it is important to you, you will succeed!