
New Fapstronaut
In about mid-February I was on a twelve day streak, and I started talking to a girl from the Czech Republic who was one year older than me. We were talking on Reddit before that at the start of January, it was in February that we started talking to each other on Discord.

This girl wasn't attracted to me. She was still speaking to her ex and was crushing on another girl. Another reason was that I wasn't her type of guy. I wasn't confident in myself and I'm pretty average looking, although she's also not too gifted in terms of appearance.

We moved to Discord on my streak due to pandering. I was bragging on owning about being friends with the popular kids and how I feel as though I had to change my behaviour in order to for in. I then started speaking some absolute cringe about loving her and that I was crying because I couldn't have her. Because she isn't too confident in herself, she decided to speak to me to cheer me up.

Throughout our first Discord call I was flirting and teasing her. This escalated until we were pretending to jerk off to each other and faked having an orgasm. I know this because she told me that it was impossible for her to have an orgasm due to bring on antidepressants, although my interpretation from it was because she simply wasn't attracted to me. After that we became long-distance "friends with benefits", because she said before that she wasn't ready for a relationship (with me).

The second time we spoke it was pretty obvious of her lack of attraction to me. There were long, awkward silences between what I was saying and I felt a tightness in my chest (the same tightness which I had experienced the day before and intuitively mistook for being "butterflies"). I then tried to break it off with her. I said that we weren't each other's type and that I'd like to stop speaking to her. A couple of hours later I went back to her, pleaded for her to stay and I relapsed to her fake moans/orgasms in a "make-up sex" type of scenario because my ego was hurt from the "breakup". It's important to note that during the conversation we took an MBTI test and I lied about being an ENFP in order to impress her, for the obvious reason of sex.

On the third day I called her and demanded sex. She didn't agree to it and was offended by what I had said. My former friend expected to be treated with respect and argued against it, so I backed down and apologised by saying that "I got scared and turned my emotions off". To which she forgave me as what I had said held some significance to it. This was a manipulation tactic. Deep down I was holding out until August because that was when I'd be promised a visit. That was when I'd be able to act out the fantasises that I saw on the screen.

After we spoke for a few hours, I PMO'd to her roleplay and decided to make a post on NoFap about it. The thing is, I was so caught up in the moment that I tried to argue about it being a good thing. The community was very supportive of that- I got a few down votes and comments calling me a "pussy who fears rejection" lol.

I then decided to take a few days away from her in order to reflect upon what I really wanted (and to get a streak going because I thought that it would make me more attractive to her, and I even admitted this). In those few days, I actually remember feeling a sense of relief from being away from her. I started to question if I even wanted her in my life and I remember smiling at a cute girl (who smiled back and acted coy) whilst on a walk. I didn't speak to her though because she was with a dog, which was probably a rationalisation of my social anxiety.

We spoke again whilst I was staying up my grandma's and she sounded very uncomfortable by my presence- there were longer awkward silences and she was looking for excused to hang up every so often. I was convinced that this was because I wasn't on a NoFap streak and that these feelings would pass. By the next morning this attitude infuriated me and I insulted her, saying that she was ruining my life (when in actuality, I was ruining my own life) and that she had became my equivalent to her ex boyfriend. She stopped speaking to me then, so I spammed her with apologies like a "nice guy". She forgave me, but only so that I would quit doing that.

We spoke for another few days. Not much happened the first day after the argument, I deleted her from Snapchat behind her back but that was about it. She also switched to roleplaying scenes from porn and not the scenes that I wanted to do. On the second day, I admitted that I "got turned on by the thought of her sleeping with other guys". This gave her the excuse to start telling me about her roleplay sessions with her ex (who she'd probably had been seeing throughout our entire "relationship". The day after she didn't speak at all. So I slipped away. She didn't notice at all. I haven't spoken to her since. I "finished last".

I went another 40 days without PMO out of apathy, my ego was hurt so I wanted something to recharge it. Halfway through my streak I switched from being a "nice guy" to a "white knight" and acted like an asshole in every female interaction. I did string a few along, but I'd only talk to them on occasion because I didn't want to reveal my intentions of sex. Therefore, "I gained nothing from nofap and nobody likes me Boohoo" lol. That became my outlook and my reason of relapse.

This time I plan on recognising the ego, and crushing it before it strikes. I'm only going to enter into any form of relationship if I feel emotionally secure. I can do this guys, but not without your help in which direction I should go.

Thank you.
I can do this guys, but not without your help in which direction I should go.

Thank you.
1. Get confident (work on your physique, dress better, whatever job you do or study, get good at it too, in short be your best version)
2. Ask yourself what do you really want from life and people (is having phone sex with a girl you know to be crushing after other guys on the 3rd phone call something you really want from your relationship with her?)
3. Set yourself some goals, get organized and stuff will start falling into place
4. All advice is shit if you do not work on it, also use your own brains too before taking it
This girl wasn't attracted to me. She was still speaking to her ex and was crushing on another girl. Another reason was that I wasn't her type of guy. I wasn't confident in myself and I'm pretty average looking
Why would you speak to someone that is not attracted to you, is hang up with his ex and have a crush on another person?? it´s a waste of time.
I was bragging on owning about being friends with the popular kids and how I feel as though I had to change my behaviour in order to for in
That's weak. You are telling her that you will change the way you are in order to please the other person. That's approval seeking behavior and is not making you look good in her eyes.
I then started speaking some absolute cringe about loving her and that I was crying because I couldn't have her. Because she isn't too confident in herself, she decided to speak to me to cheer me up.
You didn't know her in person and you are already are in love with her? that's totally out of sync and it's a sign of neediness. She was feeling pitty for you but she liked your attention so she keep you in the hook in case things how south with her ex.
Throughout our first Discord call I was flirting and teasing her. This escalated until we were pretending to jerk off to each other and faked having an orgasm... After that we became long-distance "friends with benefits"
This is a good sign. At least you get out of friendzone.
she said before that she wasn't ready for a relationship (with me).
When woman say that is because you came to strong talking about loving her and wanting to lock her down to commitment. Woman fall in love slowly in time, if she tell you that she is not ready for a relationship is becaue she is not, she is helping you, she is telling you "slow down boy!, you are making me feel i will loose my freedom with you and that is making me feel unconfortable".
I then tried to break it off with her. I said that we weren't each other's type and that I'd like to stop speaking to her.
You fear she will reject you so you dump her first to avoid the pain of she rejecting you.
A couple of hours later I went back to her, pleaded for her to stay and I relapsed to her fake moans/orgasms in a "make-up sex" type of scenario because my ego was hurt from the "breakup"
More fear of your part. now you fear that you will lose her. More weak behaviour, you said one thing and regret your word a few hours later.
we took an MBTI test and I lied about being an ENFP in order to impress her
more approval seeking behavior..
I called her and demanded sex. She didn't agree to it and was offended by what I had said. My former friend expected to be treated with respect
you demanded sex??? who are you to demand sex from anyone? she is not your slave. She is acting more manly than you and stood up for herself and make you respect her.
After we spoke for a few hours, I PMO'd to her roleplay and decided to make a post on NoFap about it. The thing is, I was so caught up in the moment that I tried to argue about it being a good thing. The community was very supportive of that- I got a few down votes and comments calling me a "pussy who fears rejection" lol.
i did't read that post but "pussy who fears rejection" seems pretty accurate for your behaviour with this girl.
We spoke again whilst I was staying up my grandma's and she sounded very uncomfortable by my presence- there were longer awkward silences and she was looking for excused to hang up every so often. I was convinced that this was because I wasn't on a NoFap streak and that these feelings would pass.
Is not about nofap. Is about how you were displaying yourself with her, and your weak pussy behaviour was making her uncomfortable with you.
By the next morning this attitude infuriated me and I insulted her, saying that she was ruining my life (when in actuality, I was ruining my own life)
Exactly, you were projecting your own fears onto her and blame her for ruining your life.
She stopped speaking to me then, so I spammed her with apologies like a "nice guy". She forgave me, but only so that I would quit doing that.
At this point she is maybe afraid that you will turn into a creepy stalker and don't want to argue or speak to you anymore.
We spoke for another few days. Not much happened the first day after the argument, I deleted her from Snapchat behind her back but that was about it. She also switched to roleplaying scenes from porn and not the scenes that I wanted to do.
She started to fade away slowly.
On the second day, I admitted that I "got turned on by the thought of her sleeping with other guys". This gave her the excuse to start telling me about her roleplay sessions with her ex (who she'd probably had been seeing throughout our entire "relationship".
And suddenly you are back in friendzone. That´s not a good sign at all.
The day after she didn't speak at all. So I slipped away. She didn't notice at all. I haven't spoken to her since. I "finished last".
As expected she disappeared. You caved your own grave.
I switched from being a "nice guy" to a "white knight" and acted like an asshole in every female interaction.
Bad way to go. is not about been a nice boy or a bad one. You need to be a man and act masculine and not a weak beta male. The tipical bad boy have succes with woman in the beginning because he don´t gice a f*k but at the end woman finds out that he is just an ass.
I didn't want to reveal my intentions of sex
As a man you never hide your intentions. You are comfortable with them and you give the chance to the other person to agree with them or not.

This time I plan on recognising the ego, and crushing it before it strikes. I'm only going to enter into any form of relationship if I feel emotionally secure. I can do this guys, but not without your help in which direction I should go.
You need to start acting like a man with woman. You were all over the ice with this woman. NoFap is not going to help you with that. You need to work on yourself, read books, search for help online, you need to participate in your own rescue.
Good luck!!
Okay, man, I had the exact same problem you did. Being too nice to everyone doesn't do any good.

Focus on what you really want. Not what you think other people would like you to be.

Practice gratitude. This behavior comes from a great lack of self-esteem. Someone with high self-esteem is not looking for external validation. He's doing what's important to him.

It's not as simple as telling you to behave like a man. And I assure you, a lot of guys are just like you. So was I. And I can assure you it takes time to heal from this need for validation. It took two years for me.

You have to put your needs and goals first, even if people might not like it. No one can bring you happiness. You are responsible for your own life. Face your fears, confront yourself in the eyes of others, question yourself, realize that you are enough. Like I said, practice gratitude.

All of these behaviors do not define you. You're better than that. This isn't you. You just have barriers that keep you from being authentic with people, especially girls.

I wish you all the determination you can muster along the way. NoFap won't do anything about it, you have to do a lot more than that.
Why the fuck are you talking to girls online that you will never meet and having 'sex' with them? Hate to break it to you bro but you a simp. Talk to women in real life