So this week I relapsed after 15 days which wouldnt have happened if I wasn't sick. I get urges when im sick. Which apparently happens to others too which google tells me. I ejaculated thrice in the shower (Monday) but surprisingly didn't experience any of the usual side effects like low energy, drowsiness etc as is custom. And today I came twice again in the afternoon , still feel good. I wonder why that is. And if anyone that'd care to reply to this thread knows what I'm talking about. I'm a relatively fit person. I workout most everyday. I do breathing exercises. Some wim hof variations of my own. I actually crossed the 5 min breath retention mark just yesterday evening. Humble brag . Ha I'm only sharing this to ascertain if any of it has to do with me not being drained of energy. If being fit is a possible explanation. Keep in mind though, I was still recovering from the flu this whole week.