No Social Media Challenge.No PMO. Active Meditation every Day.

Do you want to Quit Social Media

  • Hell Yeah.

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Yes I Do,but it's going to be hard.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I'm very much addicted to social media.
I have deleted them occasionally but downloaded it again.
whether it is Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Whatsapp,Snapchat or any other.
I download it,use it,get addicted to it,uninstall it,then again Install it,the cycle continues.
Same happens with Games too.
So,I'm going to Delete all these social media apps,games and going to restrict myself from using whatsapp. Whatsapp is essential,thats why I cant uninstall it.
But I'm going to start my whatsapp on new number and going to put it all blank and only use it for useful purpose.
I'm new to meditation,so,hoping that it will help me find my inner self.There is lot I have to DO.
I'm on the verge and I have so much to achieve.
I'm on the learning phase now.If I don't waste time and start studying,I'm sure,I'll achieve what I want.
To achieve greater things,sacrifice of some things it takes,And I know that.
Also it will help me in Nofap cause social media triggers urges for PMO.
Hoping for the best.I'm positive and I'm going to do this.

No Social Media+No PMO+ Active Meditation =>
1 to 7 Day => #Toddler
8 to 14 Day => #Child
15 to 21 Day => #Teen
22 to 28 Day => #Adult
29 to 35 Day => #Monk

Anybody wants to join this challenge,hop in.Tag me @MixerAwersome
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This would be nice, I have to define it a little more though. Nofap forum is technically a kind of social media, and I definitely binge on it even if I stick to some rules like not reading womens posts except where the subject title is relevant to something I'm interested in and I don't use any other sites. Also meditation measurement, I hate to do it but it's gotta be regular so something along the length of time even if we might do different kinds of meditation, I can see doing breathwork for a typical amount of time though. I guess for using this forum we can say not using it more than a certain amount of time except to check in and read a small amount of posts?

Edit okay so to limit Nofap I'm going to do 20 minutes a day and in the morning or before noon if it's a weekend. (because I have to work) Meditation will be 10 minutes of breathwork twice a day.
This would be nice, I have to define it a little more though. Nofap forum is technically a kind of social media, and I definitely binge on it even if I stick to some rules like not reading womens posts except where the subject title is relevant to something I'm interested in and I don't use any other sites. Also meditation measurement, I hate to do it but it's gotta be regular so something along the length of time even if we might do different kinds of meditation, I can see doing breathwork for a typical amount of time though. I guess for using this forum we can say not using it more than a certain amount of time except to check in and read a small amount of posts?

Edit okay so to limit Nofap I'm going to do 20 minutes a day and in the morning or before noon if it's a weekend. (because I have to work) Meditation will be 10 minutes of breathwork twice a day.
yeah,you have made a valid point there my friend,NoFap is also a social media.Yes,I agree that we have to reduce usage timing of nofap too..
maybe once in the morning for less that 10 minutes and at night for 10 min before sleeping.

so,tomorrow is 27 th may 2020,our first day.

Lets do this.
I need to frequent this forum less. Other social media isn't a problem. Internet in general is.
Urges resulting from my p-addiction can be strong. But when I abstain it results only in good feelings. Abstaining from internet or not using my phone often triggers emotions like sadness or emptiness.

Coming to this forum once or twice a week would be a good idea. Or cutting long sessions short.
Okay yesterday was good, I didn't go online at night except to stream one episode of a show so not even the forum. Got both the meditation in.

I just want to make the point that if we take the media out of social media that would be good, like one on one or small group Zoom or phone/audio calls maybe. Hopefully with challenges we don't end up just tracking a couple of numbers. Text is fine too but I think the main thing is combining the social accountability with the social bonding instead of too much one without the other.
Doing good so far, last night was a bit crammed but I even got my walking and reading done as well as this. Are we looking to check in daily?
Man I gotta reset! Got carried away with one of those less popular social media sites when I was going on for something specific .. Well at least it's not resetting the PMO streak.
I'm spending much time on NoFap as I have removed all the other social media.I have to make some rules using this forum too cause when I visit this forum and start reading updates, success stories,even though planning a proper time for this website,I can't skip the story in a mid way. Of course this is Social media too where everyone is anonymous,so the thing is,I'm going to stop using nofap in the day time.
I'm allotting time for NoFa now and its between 10 pm to 10:30pm. Not more than that. Period.
I still had this thread in my "Watched Threads" List and I just set up a similar challenge for myself.
So I thought I can as well post it here:

In order to moderate internet use better I'll try this:
  • When opening browser on my computer always open CLOCK too
  • The timer is set to 15 minutes. That is one unit. For every day report: how many units did you surf on the web: 0,1,2,3,4 or more than 4?
  • 4 units (one hour) is the limit. Above it is considered a FAIL. Not using the CLOCK properly is also a FAIL
  • I don't need to you use the browser on my phone (in most settings)
It's not excactly about social media but rather internet use (at home) in general.
However I'd like to do daily meditation as well. Well, that would be amazing!
Let's see
I have come up with 21 Day Habit Tracker (If anyone wants to join,they can )
Lets go step by step
1)Wake up at 6 am everyday for 21 days

2)Meditate for everyday for 21 days

3)Workout everyday for 21 days

4)No Afternoon nap for 21 days

5)No games for 21 days

6)No Social media for 21 days

7) sleep for atleast 7-8hours everyday for 21 days
Why no afternoon nap? Do you feel it means you're being lazy? For most people it probably isn't practical anyway and could end up being a long time, but there's also the idea of a power nap but then you would keep it under 20 minutes or so. There's actually evidence that a biphasic sleep pattern was the natural pattern before the industrial revolution, where you wake up a little bit in the middle of the night and you sleep a little in the middle of the day, sort of like the yin and yang in the taiji symbol interestingly enough. :emoji_yin_yang:
Why no afternoon nap? Do you feel it means you're being lazy? For most people it probably isn't practical anyway and could end up being a long time, but there's also the idea of a power nap but then you would keep it under 20 minutes or so. There's actually evidence that a biphasic sleep pattern was the natural pattern before the industrial revolution, where you wake up a little bit in the middle of the night and you sleep a little in the middle of the day, sort of like the yin and yang in the taiji symbol interestingly enough. :emoji_yin_yang:
yeah man,power naps are good but I have a lot of study pending and If I fall asleep for 2 hours @ afternoon, I'll lose track of studies and focus. Thats why.
well I had taken power naps while on my exam days (to relax my mind).
Messenger like WhatsApp - that is Social Media, right?
I don't use it very much but it's important to keep in touch with ppl so I won't abstain from that.


Internet: FAIL (more than one hour)
Meditation: FAIL

I thought: learning moderation and healthy use (of devices / internet) is better than fasting. But then I was so entangled with it today that I said to myself: ok, do both! So first I'll stop using my computer at all, for a couple of days. After that I'll use my timer and report here.
I didn't make it. I know I can do dopamine detox but its too much for me.
Today I watched too many youtube videos and parts of movies.
I think I should start tomorrow with new energy and with the right set of mind.
I have to overcome my addiction to dopamine and start a new and better life.
I have to study hard for a better future.