Day 3 checking in,
I feel like I have finally developed the right attitude for my ambitions. My aim is to at some point be free of pornography and masturbation, which I understand is a very difficult task. I am fighting evolutionary biology and my own brain. However, I have seen other people achieve it, so I know that it is POSSIBLE and I have achieved an abundance of rewards when I abstained, so I know the goal is WORTHWHILE.
Now what do I mean by "I have developed the right attitude"? I have learned from my accountability buddies to not look at this process as a chain of relapses that returns me to square-1 but a process of fine-tuning where each relapse is a blind-spot that I was not aware of. A hole in my game-plan that I only learned through a failure, which I can now plug.
I will aim not to fall, but if I do fall, I will continue my journey wiser than I was before I fell.