NoFap Remastered – A Guide on How to Quit Porn and What to do After

Machine Elf Lover

New Fapstronaut
NoFap Remastered – A Guide on How to Quit Porn and What to do After


I joined the NoFap forum recently but had heard about that movement long ago. This community is a really great thing for many people. Nevertheless, very fast, I noticed reappearing patterns of posts in the NoFap forum of general frustration about pornography, failures to quit and a lack of knowledge about pornography and addiction. In this essay, I try to educate people affected by an unhealthy and addictive pattern of pornography consumption. Additionally, I want to give a holistic and comprehensive guide with many tips and tricks that might help to quit porn. I understand that not everyone has the recourses to seek a professional therapist or something similar. Last, I want to give my opinion on how the NoFap approach unknowingly fails the community. I think NoFap should not be a goal or lifestyle, but a means to an end.

This essay will be pretty extended, but I would appreciate it if you would take your time and mindfully read through it. I do not claim I know the answers or am flawless. Therefore, I would love to hear your opinions and corrections.

Who am I and What Qualifies me?

Let me start by saying that I am probably just like you but a little different. I am a 22-year-old guy trying to live my life with all the wonders and hassles it provides. Like most readers, I, too, am wrestling with an unhealthy relationship with pornography. For years I have been on and off porn. Even though I can say that porn never violently dominates, it still impedes my quality of life and tortures millions of people.

Unfortunately, pornography addiction has not been recognized as a use disorder by the American Psychological Association and The WHO. It has not yet been added to the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) nor to the ICD (International Classification of Disease). However, challenging psychological and neurological patterns that resemble substance use disorder are clear. Nevertheless, I do not doubt that pornography use disorder will be admitted in the next generation of the DSM and the ICD. The current category of Compulsive Sexual Disorder is too broad of a diagnosis to effectively treat more specialized incidences, e.g., Pornography Use Disorder. This progress would open new possibilities to scientists to conduct qualitative studies of the nature and treatment of Pornography Use Disorder. Unfortunately, millions of people, especially young adults, suffer a tremendous amount at the present time. I try to share a short summary of my knowledge and experience with these people. Some practical tips and tricks are backed up by scientific research, while some are backed up by my own experience.

I have decided to write this essay with the aim to:

1. Educate about (porn) addiction.

2. To provide tools and insights to help people overcome their problematic pornography usage.

3. To provide an extended perspective on NoFap in areas where I think the current NoFap-mindset is disadvantageous.

You may now ask why I think I am qualified to do so. And that’s the exact right thing to ask when someone on the internet tells you what to do. Let me first tell you that I am not a trained professional in any form of medical or clinical practice. My audacity to speak publicly is based on two things.

First, my intrinsic and honest interest in biology, psychology and neuroscience which let me study psychology. I gathered much knowledge about psychological and biopsychological topics through my studies and private investigations, based on the academic striving towards truth and benevolence.

Second, I consider myself to be part of the NoFap community (whatever that actually means). I know the malice and persistence of pornography from personal experience. Therefore, to the scientific perspective, I can add a human perspective, I can relate, and I can share my own experience I made on my way to this point.

Before we start, I want to make one annotation to the kind of references I use. You will only find resources I trust to be reliable and/or scientific. Many sources are secondary sources and not directly scientific journal articles. I will quote my favourite podcast a lot, namely: Huberman Lab. I cannot recommend this podcast enough if you are not already familiar with it. Even though I will link it on YouTube, it can also be found on Spotify etc. As he is a scientist and professor, I value his word as one of the most reliable sources you can find on the internet.

If you see an in-text citation in brackets you can go to the end of the essay and find the related source in the reference list.

Once again, I am not a professional. I am not a doctor, psychiatrist or clinical psychologist. I am just a young man trying to help my peers.

Thoughts on the cause of Pornography Use Disorder

I think I do not have to make anyone aware that pornography is widely used and often abused in our society. And I think most people have theories about how pornography is such an addictive drug and why so many people become hooked on it. My answer is relatively straightforward: It depends, and it is multifactorial as it is with any other use disorder. In this section, I want to discuss what I believe are the primary causes of the pornography pandemic.

Misapprehension of Survival Mechanism – Sex and Dopamine

This point seems to be the most well-known fact about pornography, and I doubt I have to explain it to you. I will do it anyway, just for the integrity of the essay. Dopamine is not really the molecule of pleasure but rather the molecule of drive. More specifically, it is the neurotransmitter released if one needs to act, e.g., find food, socialize or mate. So far, so good. From an evolutionary point of view, it also makes sense that the practice of such survival behaviour feels good. That way, the individual is motivated to engage in this similar behaviour again.

What only a few people know is that dopamine…

Unfortunately this post allows for 3000 words only. If you want to read the full essay you can easily download it down below. Thank you for taking the time! :)


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So far, this is well-written and constructed. I'm happy that somebody is writing on this topic. I have been writing my own articles too, but this is excellent. I'm not done reading yet, but when I am, I'll let you know my complete thoughts. You hooked me when you mentioned how you "want to give a holistic and comprehensive guide". I believe that the body is holistic, and porn obfuscates reality (not my words). This is good stuff so far. I've been thinking about compiling a guide myself, but this is pretty rich itself. Cheers!
Wow, this is something else. I appreciate the time and effort you took to write this essay. Much of what you said resonated with me. This is all stuff I have discovered throughout my Nofap journey over the last few years and I'm happy that someone decided to put it all into written form. I believe if one takes the time to read and absorb the material here it will only help. I do have issue with the last bit of info on the tantric stuff, but only because that is some pretty advanced stuff that most people on this forum won't be able to do without a possible relapse and should be done after at least 90 days hard mode. I also have a few grammatical/wording errors that I will include. Some of it is nit-picking, but some I think is valid:

Pg. 5 Paragraph 5: "The latter one..." unclear what this means. The latter section of the essay? The latter of the previous statement? Either second one or saying just the latter will suffice.
Pg. 8 Paragraph 1: Porn misspelled "Pron"; Practicing misspelled Practising; "...duolingo, or cleaning..." instead of "...Duolingo, clean..."
Paragraph 2: "...Who would've thought..." sarcasm use jarring in relation to topic
Pg. 9 Paragraph 5: Energy drinks are shown to be an addictive substance (Speaking anecdotally); I know LoL means League of Legends but some might not. "...Playing a round of LoL(League of Legends). There is also some hypocrisy here considering on page 13 Para3, you stated to "Stop wasting your time with video games." In my experience, one does not just play one round of a video game.
Pg. 13 Paragraph 4: "That is something I know myself guilty of" Awkward phrasing. "That is something I know myself to be guilty of"
Pg. 14 Paragraph 1: Fundamentals misspelled "Fundament"
Paragraph 2: "I try to keep..." I tried would be better wording as well as using a comma after "...possible, but..." instead of "...possible. But..."
Paragraph 3: "All the Practices" use "All of the practices".
Pg. 15 Paragraph 4: "But I am sad..." usually doesn't work if it is only one statement. Use it for after the sentence after, remove the But entirely, or add "because" to the phrase "Until now..."
Pg. 16 Paragraph 1: You used "Firstly, secondly," but not lastly

I hope all of this didn't come across too negatively, because despite all the errors, I enjoyed reading this essay and only state the above as a constructive criticism and with some re-working, I could see this being pinned on one of the forums for must read information. Let me know your thoughts.
Pg. 5 Paragraph 5: "The latter one..." unclear what this means. The latter section of the essay? The latter of the previous statement? Either second one or saying just the latter will suffice.
Pg. 8 Paragraph 1: Porn misspelled "Pron"; Practicing misspelled Practising; "...duolingo, or cleaning..." instead of "...Duolingo, clean..."
Paragraph 2: "...Who would've thought..." sarcasm use jarring in relation to topic
Pg. 9 Paragraph 5: Energy drinks are shown to be an addictive substance (Speaking anecdotally); I know LoL means League of Legends but some might not. "...Playing a round of LoL(League of Legends). There is also some hypocrisy here considering on page 13 Para3, you stated to "Stop wasting your time with video games." In my experience, one does not just play one round of a video game.
Pg. 13 Paragraph 4: "That is something I know myself guilty of" Awkward phrasing. "That is something I know myself to be guilty of"
Pg. 14 Paragraph 1: Fundamentals misspelled "Fundament"
Paragraph 2: "I try to keep..." I tried would be better wording as well as using a comma after "...possible, but..." instead of "...possible. But..."
Paragraph 3: "All the Practices" use "All of the practices".
Pg. 15 Paragraph 4: "But I am sad..." usually doesn't work if it is only one statement. Use it for after the sentence after, remove the But entirely, or add "because" to the phrase "Until now..."
Pg. 16 Paragraph 1: You used "Firstly, secondly," but not lastly

Thank you very much for your feedback. I appreciate the proof reading. Some mistakes just slip by if you only read the text yourself. I have updated the post and integrated some of your suggestions.
Let me also comment on the video games and energy drinks as a reward. I am well aware of the hypocrisy in this passage. But I argue that claiming ownership of dopamine releasing behaviours/substances and deliberately using them as a tool is quite effective. This might vary of course from person to person and situation to situation but this is the most efficient way to use conditioning.
Have a good weekend.
Yours truly,
Machine Elf Lover
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Thank you very much for your feedback. I appreciate the proof reading. Some mistakes just slip by if you only read the text yourself. I have updated the post and integrated some of your suggestions.
Let me also comment on the video games and energy drinks as a reward. I am well aware of the hypocrisy in this passage. But I argue that claiming ownership of dopamine releasing behaviours/substances and deliberately using them as a tool is quite effective. This might vary of course from person to person and situation to situation but this is the most efficient way to use conditioning.
Have a good weekend.
Yours truly,
Machine Elf Lover
So in effect, it would be "dopamine conditioning"?