Not Looking at your Penis - Helpful or not?

I think that might be helpful. For me, looking at my penis and body while engaged in PMO was part of the obsession and behavior pattern. I've made a decision to not look at myself naked in the mirror and to not touch my penis when urinating. I also soap myself in the shower without any masturbatory type holding.

Anything we can do to break behavior patterns will be helpful.
Well, yesterday I looked and touched my penis on purpose, albeit for only split second (having abstained from touching it and looking at it since December), and surprise, surprise.....the same night I got a sexual dream! Actually two! One which involved a girl wanting to strip off in front of me (didn't happen.. dream ended!)...and the other one, which is very likely to make this not a coincidence, was of me trying to masturbate with my penis to get it up! So it was of me masturbating a half-erect penis (that's literally it).

So, what does that really tell us if anything? And does this hinder my progress?

I really want to stop this obsession that I have with the whole subject of PIED, sex, penis, etc! It's so unhealthy!
If you force yourself to not look at it by any means you might worsen the relationship to your body i guess. I think in normal situations like taking a shower or peeing you can look at your Johnny ;)
How do you not touch when urinating?

I guess I meant not holding my penis fully so as not to trigger any thoughts of masturbating. But one way to not touch is to sit down to urinate. Another way is to unzip, reach in and bring the underwear around the penis and then kind of push the penis out of the zipper. You may end up touching at times, but it's not with a full holding.

I'm currently avoiding looking at my penis. Not sure why, just because I believe it is synonymous with the PMO habit over the years.

I just want to give my brain a break from 'knowing' my penis.

Anyone here thought about this and what it might mean? (If anything at all.)
This sounds almost like a fetish to me. By all means follow the rule "if you shake it more than twice you're playing with it", but it's a part of your body.
This sounds almost like a fetish to me. By all means follow the rule "if you shake it more than twice you're playing with it", but it's a part of your body.

I don't feel any gay thoughts or feeling, but I certainly did masturbate a lot while looking at my dick - which now sounds really unhealthy, of course.
I don't feel any gay thoughts or feeling, but I certainly did masturbate a lot while looking at my dick - which now sounds really unhealthy, of course.
Most of us can relate about masturbating a lot while looking our dicks. Before I had internet porn it was the main way to jerk off. Now I am quitting porn I am trying to resume my relationship with my own body and it involves looking at my dick. When you have reboot you’ll be glad to make up with your penis and give it attention again. It isn’t gay to look at yourself.

I'm currently avoiding looking at my penis. Not sure why, just because I believe it is synonymous with the PMO habit over the years.

I just want to give my brain a break from 'knowing' my penis.

Anyone here thought about this and what it might mean? (If anything at all.)

Know exactly what you mean. I avoid looking at it cause it gets my mind off what I've done with it
I had a strange dream last night about it.

It was of me having a visual tower of my own body, when it came to seeing my penis, it felt 'disassociated' from me. A feeling that it's not mine.

This has happened in real life to me but only when looking at my right arm (where I was nursing an injury on it at the time), but it only happened for a few days.

I never felt a feeling of 'disassociation' with my penis in real life, the dream was the first time.

I'm not sure what this is indicating - do I carry on stopping to look at my penis or do I begin looking at it again?
Do you refuse to look at your hands? Because those play just as an important role in the process, maybe even more so.

This sounds like has the potential to create some really negative unforeseen psychological consequences. I get you're doing it to avoid the thought of PMO, but you're actually telling yourself subconsciously that you don't like who you are. You're creating an avoiding behavior that's telling you that if I don't look at my penis and I don't look at my naked body then I won't have the urge to masturbate. That may be true, but if you create a scenario where you can't look at yourself in the mirror anymore because you can't control your urges, you're going to create a problem that is likely larger than PMO. Your mind is going to start telling you that you don't accept yourself.

You're eventually going to have to be fine with being naked and not having the urge to masturbate. It might be fine short-term to get yourself out of a mindset, but be careful long-term.

My suggestion would be to really think about why these thoughts are coming up and start to re-program them in your mind. It's the basic concept of mindfulness. When the old feeling of PMO arises tell yourself this is an old urge that doesn't serve my mental or physical well-being. The problem isn't with your penis or your body in the mirror as another poster mentioned, the problem is with your mental associations and past behaviors.
Do you refuse to look at your hands? Because those play just as an important role in the process, maybe even more so.

This sounds like has the potential to create some really negative unforeseen psychological consequences. I get you're doing it to avoid the thought of PMO, but you're actually telling yourself subconsciously that you don't like who you are. You're creating an avoiding behavior that's telling you that if I don't look at my penis and I don't look at my naked body then I won't have the urge to masturbate. That may be true, but if you create a scenario where you can't look at yourself in the mirror anymore because you can't control your urges, you're going to create a problem that is likely larger than PMO. Your mind is going to start telling you that you don't accept yourself.

You're eventually going to have to be fine with being naked and not having the urge to masturbate. It might be fine short-term to get yourself out of a mindset, but be careful long-term.

My suggestion would be to really think about why these thoughts are coming up and start to re-program them in your mind. It's the basic concept of mindfulness. When the old feeling of PMO arises tell yourself this is an old urge that doesn't serve my mental or physical well-being. The problem isn't with your penis or your body in the mirror as another poster mentioned, the problem is with your mental associations and past behaviors.

This is so spot on.
It's not because it makes me tempted to PMO or MO, I'm avoiding it for the purpose of recovery (ie, would it or not speed up my brain recovering my penis' erection!). I don't have a problem avoiding PMO and MO.

I'm not sure what to do yet, I'll continue to avoid it and then perhaps after a month, I will look at it again to see if any difference creeps up.
Well, this happened earlier today:

I sat next to a girl on the bus. I couldn't feel any erections or feel good hormones.

My thoughts wandered off and inevitably the issue of PIED came on my mind; I kept thinking about the this topic and how to 'solve' this 'mystery!

Then, as part of my 'thinking', I visualized my penis.... and then.... guess what? I looked at the girl next to me and started feeling an erection coming on, albeit with a strength of 1! (maybe even I didn't look, it could have just happened without looking!)

So, I have no idea if this signifies anything or not.

For those who say it doesnt effect looking at you dick.... REALLY?? I mean really? Say you watched some POV films when you were addicted to porn and the camera roles from that position of you looking at your dick with someones mouth on it, i mean really your brain is gonna resist that picture huh? Brain cant tell the difference between reality and porn when you addicted to it so by all means stop looking it because you dont have to you dont need to.

I'm currently avoiding looking at my penis. Not sure why, just because I believe it is synonymous with the PMO habit over the years.

I just want to give my brain a break from 'knowing' my penis.

Anyone here thought about this and what it might mean? (If anything at all.)
there are some positions were POV videos role from that position which is your eyes so i would say well done noticing it. It does effect your behavior because the brain cant tell the difference between the POV videos you used to watch or reallity.