Nutrition in semen-loss in ejaculation

Everything here is a opinion and a belief. I beleive in science which EVERYTHING in science MUST be backed up with enough evidence. I beleive in the truth and its all i want. extrodinary claims requires extrodinary evidence.

What the fuck? If TESTOSTERONE is in semen i would NOT BE 6 feet 2 inches right now sir. Testostorone is made in the testes and released in the bloodstream if im correct.
Testorsteron is made in testes,and testosterone makes or say facilitate sperm.for this very reason testosterone drops after you ejacucate,but rises in a few hours to make up for the lost sperm and stays up for a week and then gets normal.ayurveda claims semen takes a week to recover.this goes to show loss of semen is loss of nutrients and messed up hormones ,but hormones not so much as much as people claim.that is an exagerated theory because thet fail to understand the very way semen is made.medical science confirms this too but its hard to find those articles coz they are sold out 6 feet 2 too,a pro wrestler, being tall is great, but its for im a sportsman and tall parents and that's why i started researching about semen in the first place.i researched from sources from china and all the way to india.i found out western research was done,but was hiden like it was isis documentation.their is nothing conspiracy about it but i sincerly am out of this argument because im tired of self-rightious out
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From food comes juice or chyle; from chyle comes blood and flesh; from flesh comes fat; from fat comes bones; from bones come marrow. Lastly, from marrow comes semen. The Veerya comes out of the very marrow concealed in the bones. It is found in a subtle state in all the cells of the body. Mark here how precious the semen is! It is the last essence of food. It is the essence of essences.
Anyone who says otherwise is ignorant as for them it feels good ant can't be bad.opinion is one thing but when people seize to understand anything new, learning stops.
Medical science clams semen to come from 40 drops.while ayurveda,mentions it to come from 80.
I dont believe in this. Where exactly does marrow turn into semen???
Testorsteron is made in testes,and testosterone makes or say facilitate sperm.for this very reason testosterone drops after you ejacucate,but rises in a few hours to make up for the lost sperm and stays up for a week and then gets normal.Ayurveda claims semen takes a week to recover.medical science confirms this too but its hard to find those articles coz they are sold out 6 feet 2 too, being tall is great, but its for im a sportsman and tall parents and that's why i started researching about semen in the first place.i researched from sources from china and all the way to india.i found out western research was done,but was hiden like it was isis documentation.their is nothing conspiracy about it but i sincerly am out of this argument because im tired of self-rightious out
After testosterone is made in the testes its released into the blood stream. Learn your facts it doesn't stay there. After testosterone is made the testosterone signals the semen to be made. They aren't connected in anyway, Semen is made 24/7 so that is probably where wet dreams come in.
First testosterone Then semen. Semen is made 24/7 because testosterone signals to make it
After ejaculation,testosterone decreases but increases as a spike after some time to make up for it.i m unable to provide you with an aritcle but its because ejaculation is never of just the body but brain too which signals test of producing testosterone.absistence increases testosterone for a week and then a drop to the baseline where they stay constant after that,this is where aggression from NoFap comes in along with other thread was all about nutrition and semen but this is looking at it fom another perspective.thus,testosterone increases either way but things get fucked up when someone ejaculates regularly as that would lower the test significantly.i thoroughly believe semen is of great value to human body and prospers in mental,physical and spiritual strength.its last step of food absorbtion and constitutes of your dna.
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Why would scientists not want you to know these things? They're not profiting from the pleasure industry, generally speaking.
1.western science is way behind toist sexual founds.chinese are pretty advanced on this thing.
2.they will not for their is a huge market on sexual practices and sexologists,sex consulants all work together.its commercialism l.not only sex,they hide from you everything that can hinder their market gains
I agree with this statement, I know myself with being misdiagnosed in the past with bs conditions that the medical "profession" is a business and does not care to see the patient treated properly for the CORRECT ILLNESS.. in spite of this most physicians are quick to write a prescription for a monetary kick back smh....

Again I speak from experience after discovering my neck, shoulder and back pain was due to to psychosomatic condition called TMS (Tension Myositis Syndrome) discovered by a doctor by the name of Dr. John E. Sarno... sadly you won't hear his research and work of helping people heal with the proper diagnosis and treatment since that is against "BIG PHARMA's" status quo operation ....

They know porn is bad for the population hence why they'll say it's good for us to watch but they for DAMN sure wouldn't let their trust fund baby children watch it!

You're resorting to logical fallacies now. Show me where I said nobody in business has any form of morality.
I could return the logical fallacy and say that you believe everyone in business is a saint. See how that works?

If you think I'm kidding about the pharmaceutical industry, check into the fact they set aside a death settlement fund to settle cases of death due to their products. They know their products will kill a certain number of people in the course of normal usage. It's built into the business model to provide a fund for legal obligations arising from this.
Pharmaceutical executives have one driving goal (as all officers of corporations have), and that it to satisfy shareholders.

Their is a doctor by the name of Dr. Jennifer Daniels, she fled to Panama after she began exposing the secret of the medial profession and how they and insurance companies are STRICTLY about money made over drugs verses treating and curing patients who have illness.

It cant be that obvious. Vaccines kill you. Medical care kills you.
Interesting point IDK I'm not to familiar with research on death via vaccination but I do believe based on my own research that vaccines are the main cause of autism in children. Especially when I saw comparison between Amish children (who don't get vaccinated) and non amish children (regardless of race) who do..... said a lot in the fact that the Amish has no record of autism appearing in their children population.

Some vaccines are fine most of them are there to hurt you.
Bill gates admitted that vaccines are a way to depopulate the world.
That he did at that press conference he gave unveiling the robotic mosquitoes he said would aid in giving the vaccines smh.

No, it's called business.

Yep the medical profession is a BUSINESS! (I know from my own experience and from direct testimony of former medical practitioners I know who went to medical school and told me the f***d up story of the elitist mindset which is engrained in them throughout their tenure at medical school.

ever heard that disease comes from low vibration which comes from a shit lifestyle?
Yes a stress filled life can help in the creation of disease.
Brother,i have said it before in this thread but again, its highly concentrated stuff.its not so easy their is a reason semen is called vital force.i never said you can't,but it takes some days is what i said.what you eat takes times,to the time it will get to the amount present in your semen,to be at the level of nutrition your semen was.zinc isn't even that much of a deal,though its 100 times more concentrated in semen than blood.its amounts to a lot.but zinc is not much of a deal to other nutrients such as creatine.then their are enzymes even more important than creatine in semen. Ill make it ate so much in last 3 days,all those nutriemts have to go through semen creation and re-absorbtion,and you take them all out at that last you are going much slower to natural cause.believe me im not making things for sake of winning an argument but this is how it is.thanks!

Dude, you are such a nuisance, what the hell do you mean by "concentrated"? ROFLMAO who cares if zinc is concentrated in 5ml or dilluted in 500ml? ITs the same fucking amount. Stop repeating it all the time. kthx.
Dude, you are such a nuisance, what the hell do you mean by "concentrated"? ROFLMAO who cares if zinc is concentrated in 5ml or dilluted in 500ml? ITs the same fucking amount. Stop repeating it all the time. kthx.
How is that funny? Your logic is faulty if you ask me btw.

Something that takes over a month to concentrate is in fact a refined essence. This cannot be replenished by say gorging yourself on an equal amount of nutrients due to the length of time the refining occurs over.
When you're shooting off your spunk twice, three times or more per day like most porn addicts, then yeah you're losing a ton of nutrients and no wonder your hair falls out.
It takes male rats about 15 days after sex to return back to full virility. I never knew how much damage beating off does until I read all the stats on Gary Wilson's site.