I have been unsure about this(notthat motivated) but i think i will break my 31 day record. I definitely feel very different now nofap, it comes with benefits and disadvantages. I think nofap currently suits me since i need to do major changes in my life now.

After abstraining from porn a long time nofap is actually easy, i do not need much willpower anymore. I have definitely noticed inprovements from quitting porn, now i will try to cut down passive entertaiment in general(anime, youtube, etc) and try to more active stuff like gaming, being social, sports, etc.
Having a full time career and a busy productive life in general gives you some time to forget that you are in the challenge. A healthy brain shouldn't have to focus all-the-time on keeping the streak. Nice to wake up and realize several days have passed and you are still in the game.
Obviously being busy will distract you, but if you usually have sexual thoughts or eye F an attractive female then you'll still do it unless you try not to.

I'm not sure what you mean by a healthy brain. Thoughts are repetitive if you pay attention.
4 or 5 days now. Longest in 6 months probably.
It will get easier after the first week or so if you follow some simple rules. Dont touch yourself and be aware of your fantasies. It is definitely worth it. It will always be easier to continue your streak than to start over. Remember that when things get tough
Sorry guys I've failed already
You only fail when you stop persuit. Get back on your feet and relapse again! Do it a 100 times more if that's what you need to learn, to grow and become the person that frees himself from those "relapses".

Don't think I encourage any of those activities, it's nothing more than "Fap or Nofap"

It's good to die trying because a life without pursuit is a life without hope.

A bright mind is filled with hope.

In the end your happiness is something you determine outright. You always got a choice: "how to react"

I believe in you, if I didn't I couldn't believe in myself.

But we do believe in us.

Congratulations on your progress, 5 days done? Bravo!
Thanks man, you're completely right I shouldn't give up. I shouldn't just sit down and accept failure. I'm gonna go right back out there and do what I set out to do i.e. finish off the month.
And your right, I've learned a great deal from the last five days. I've been more sociable and chatty and i've got a little bit more energy than usual (with no caffeine). Definitely starting to become attracted to real life women again.
Thanks for replying to my post i needed the motivation :D
I have relapsed after three days. I usually am too embarrassed to say it so then I really go off the deep end. I'm in this for the month so regardless I will continue on. Thanks for the inspiring comments!