Old new Fapstronaut, after 180 days of nofap.


New Fapstronaut
Hey I'm new here, I'm Imad from morocco 19yo.
After long miserable 8 years of dirt and ups and downs, I finally managed to complete 180 days of pure recovery without any slip, from 21/09/2023 to 21/02/2024. At 21/02 I got back into the dirty habit to escape from the responsibilities placed on my shoulders, and during the past two weeks I was convincing myself that is just a quick relapse and it will never happen again. But at 04/03/2024 guess what, another relapse! And another one after just 3 days at 07/02/2024.
So I totally convinced that it wasn't a quick relapse, but this habit started tying me with its nets again.
So I decided to start a new recovery journey, and this time I would not be alone, but rather I would be with this wonderful community.