OMFG! NoFap Works. DE Cured.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by KingGray, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. AllenNoFap

    AllenNoFap Fapstronaut

    If it had been possible to recover in two weeks and I don't meant to be so honest. Most of the users are on NoFap are up shit Creek looking at 90 days to over a year to get an erection. They're facing problems like relationship, capacity to love, loss of ambition and loss of direction. It's commendable you have such self control that you can recover in two weeks. Eventually the fapstronauts with integrity may one day be where you are. Congratulations on your short term goal though and keep going if you want. There's always the benefit of increased focus and maintaining normal testerone levels.
  2. Spidey2Dope

    Spidey2Dope Fapstronaut

    If it was me you were talking to then yeah I'm committing to this %. I meant by not looking back as in I'm not gonna go back to the way I was with PMO and such. It's just not worth it to me or the risk of ruining my relationship with my girl. Thanks for the congrats
  3. Spidey2Dope

    Spidey2Dope Fapstronaut

    If it was me you were talking to then yeah I'm committing to this 100%. I meant by not looking back as in I'm not gonna go back to the way I was with PMO and such. It's just not worth it to me or the risk of ruining my relationship with my girl. Thanks
  4. Pirlo23

    Pirlo23 Fapstronaut

    I'm at 32 days, hoping I will eventually heal my DE. Does anyone know what is the normal period of time for getting rid of DE?
  5. AllenNoFap

    AllenNoFap Fapstronaut

    @Pirlo23 I'm at Day 73 and I've been taking cold showers and exercising daily. I just asked the recommended therapist on here about if the 90 days is evidence based to some extent. So I'm waiting on that and will definitely post what he tells me