On my path...


Hello everyone,

I am two weeks into recovery, today is exactly 14 days since I started. I already feel better than before, this is my longest streak and I am not stopping. My problem is that I still watch porn sometimes when have urges. I'm not on that level of self discipline yet. I didn't relapse, I turn it off after a few minutes, but I feel bad after even watching it because I really want to be porn free. Feelings of shame and betrayal of myself occurs after watching it. In those moments I focus on positives and I say to myself that at least I didn't relapse. This stuff is devil's work. It plays with you when you are on your lowest, using most shallow feelings and emotions. I wanna be PM free, so did I broke my streak? Did I fail? I don't wanna think like that and I think that those are moments of weakness. If anyone reading this is in similar situation, leave a message so we can help each other thru this path. I am devoted to this once and for all, benefits are great even now. I want my future back.

Good luck to everyone,
You did not break your streak. You are however on dangerous ground. You have to stop feeding your brain with porn. Your brain has been conditioned that when I see porn I get pleasure... It takes time to stop it. Even after you stop, the images and fantasies run wild for a time. It is the stuff of the devil and you can lose the shame and keep moving forward. Where are you on your spiritual journey? I am a member of the Christian group on this site and they have active members that can help encourage and build you up when you are slipping.