Oxford Union Debate about Porn and sex education


The question was "Does Porn have a place in sex education?"

The speakers in Proposition include two "doctors".
The speakers in Opposition include... ...a former pornstar.


As usual with these Oxford debates, the house votes and... ...the side in Proposition won!!


I think this is is a good reminder that:
1. we might be right to feel alone on this fight,
2. people with bow ties and cocktail dresses can also be awfully/totally clueless.

There's a former pornstar talking in one of the last videos in the playlist so this can be triggering.

Well Dr. Ruth has a PhD so technically yes...
...but I can't imagine a person with that level of celebrity, following closely the literature... Anyway. I'm just venting.
This is made up of 8 videos, approx 10-15 minutes each. I've got through the first 4. The first is awful - just about the most naive and unrealistic justification for porn I can imagine. The rest are better, but they make heavy going of it...

FYI, Christian Jensen is a real (medical) doctor, well known on UK TV.
The first guy, the disgusting hedonist, basically argues: "Porn is fun ---> Fun is good ---> Porn is good."