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UPDATED 30.04.2021
If you feel that your reboot is too difficult for you and you suffer from PAWS long enough, seek help outside in form of professional therapy ! You may not be able to cope on your own and external help may be necessary ! Addiction is serious thing, don't miss your opportunity and don't waste your time on rebooting alone, without help. It's not shameful to ask for help, it is sign of emotional maturity !
After receiving external help, read my post to add some alternative knowledge to your reboot.
Hi to everyone!
"LT;DR - understand and incorporate necessary attitude, mind and lifestyle changes in your life and reboot, otherwise you may suffer unnecessary and greatly prolong your reboot. View on reboot from the energetic point of view."
I will introduce myself as the one who started NoFAP in 01.2017 and have experienced stress, PAWS and even thinking that NoFAP started to steal joy from my life that is of course addiction speaking, not my true self ! I still experience some PAWS but I want to write overall about PAWS to give hope and encourage to the brave warriors who struggle with PAWS. To the one that know that PAWS ain't no joke. I know how true and painful frustration can be.
This will be about biology, body, mind, beliefs but also about energy. Seminal creative energy that leads to creation of life and sex is powerful and sacred thing. Firstly - only basic and holistical understanding of this thing can lead to better outcome in reboot. There are NECESSARY things to understand while rebooting.
Harsh truth is that to transform addiction we have to go through pain and we have to
fully embody and feel the pain to transform it to energy of life. There is no other paths - this is the one and ultimate path. There is necessary pain to go through but there also can be set of unnecessary obstacles in recovery.
I will divide addiction and reboot mechanism in relation to sex, social and biologial conditioning,
So to start and be simple:
Sex is mechanism of survival, so with sex comes even feeling of being alive, successfull person - it's the biological conditioning.
Without sex - you can have thoughts of being worthless, unsuccessfull human failure, unworthy of existence, with low mood and depression. It can lead you very much to isolation (and isolation fuels up negative thoughts and feelings). This comes because you are not satisfying biological conditioning patterns. You can even think that without sex you will die or will have poor health. One more time - it's because of deep biological conditioning of our brains to SURVIVE. Those feeling and stress are to FORCE you to reproduce at all costs. It's biology speaking. The same is about anxiety feeling of being alone - in old times it was indicator that you will die. Being excluded from society was like death sentence and because of this we may feel stress when we are long enough lonely/alone. Only until you will recognize biological patterns of your primal brain you can really succeed and not being dependant on 'hapiness and reproduction pattern'. Yes - without sex you can have unhappy life - but only if you are stressing yourself about it - then not lack of sex but stress will cause you mental and health problems. Without choice to have sex or not or living in marriage or not you are slave to biological-based sexual programming.
THIS CAN PAIR WITH THE PREVIOUS LOOP OF STRESS CREATING EVERN BIGGER LOOP OF STRESS. So we can have now 2 loop mechanism creating bigger one.
Only until you will be free to be happy and calm without counting on external and internal conditions, then you will be happy.
How can you recognize that your mind sneaked into getting quick fix of pleasure. In other therms, how can you recognize that your mind replaced one addiction to another for purpose of pleasure ? The answer is SABOTAGE. Yes, the sabotage is subconscious mechanism to easely getting pleasure from ruining your life. If you will examine long and deep enough conditioning of your mind, then you will come to a point where you will understand that unfulfilled life, lack of changes and lack of purpose is due to subconscious sabotage of kind of a TROLL in our mind that is happy when you are getting frustrated. SABOTAGE is speaking as inability to perform long term task, such as reboot, exercising, studying ets. Ego is another therm for this troll. David R. Hawkins is writing greatly about this subject. This discovery was a breaking point in my recovery process. You must discover, what really in life makes you happy and fulfilled - its part of succcessfull reboot and no one will do it for you, nor will it magically drop onto you from heaven one day. PURPOSELESS LIFE FOR A MAN IS A MISERABLE ONE. MAN WITHOUT A PURPOSE WILL END INDULGING IN VAIN PLEASURES (as a replacement to purpose). So after setting your purpose you must maintain forging and exercising your WILLPOWER - it simply means keeping your purpose no matter what feelings are telling you. WILLPOWER is like muscle, you can train it - because addict is the one whose will is against him.
And it is possible that this mechanism of sabotage will add to our previous loop made from 2 previous mechanisms - this mean we can have now even bigger loop, made from biological,societal and sabotage programming!
Fear is greatly perpetrated by weak feeling of your body - this manifests as lack of energy to direct your body to do something. Sports and physical activities helps to reduce fear by letting you feeling better your body. You have anxiety ? Start to train Crossfit or BJJ or even Yoga and watch the miracle happen in your life! Cortisol is opposed to testosterone, so with much fear you will less likely to be masculine, in other hand, sport promotes testosterone secretion ! TIRE YOUR BODY, USE YOUR BODY IN SPORTS AND IT WILL THANK YOU WITH HORMONAL BALANCE AND GOOD HEALTH !
Of course, it's very likely that reboot itself will let you discover some underlying frequencies like depression, traumas from bullying, neurosis etc. Seminal energy will fuel this things up to direct your awareness to them maybe for the first time. Be thankful for your reboot and be thankful for your body for this help. These can be also mixed with actual PAWS so it's where the reboot becomes really hard to conduct. When I mean hard - believe me, without enough awareness you can retraumatize yourself or be sucked into PMO addiction. THIS STAGE IS WHERE IT'S EASIEST TO RETURN TO ADDICTION AND IN THIS STAGE I STRONGLY ADVISE YOU TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP TO FIGURE THINGS OUT. I CANNOT STRESS IT MUCH ENOUGH ! SEEK HELP IF YOU FEEL STUCK IN REBOOTING!
You can end up thinking like you developed some PTSD or have and ADD/DDA symptomps. Surely part of rebooting is going through hard symptoms but it's up to you recognizing what is actually PAWS and where are some older underlying issues.
Rebooting may be like opening PANDORAS BOX for the first time, where all the problems were hidden.
Remember, while rebooting all those things are being fueled up by you life force energy !
This is where knowledge about reboot and evolution to being freed from biological conditioning serves you. Because we are biological but also spirit beings.
So with reboot and PAWS you can experience low mood, depression, irritability, stress, bad sleep and all of them can create loop without you knowing it, thus it can contribute greatly to your miserable feelings, but what is more important, you thoughts may become low, apathetic, angry and hopeless.
Why subject of thoughts is crucial to reboot and how it is linked with seminal energy ?
With new kind of life serving thoughts powered by life force, you will become master/knight/super sayian or whatewer you wanna be. Examinating and mastering your thoughts is crucial part of rebooting - without it rebooting may become failure.
'What is the purpose of my thinking' - ask youself many times a day.
1. Unmanageable tension in the body.
2. Brain fog.
3. Depersonalization/derealization sydrome.
4. Inability to focus aka ADD
5. Racing thoughts.
6. Being ungrounded, not in the body, not in the world
If you had some previous health issues like PTSD, you may end up in really screwed up position, thinking that NoFAP contributed to your demise. This is only partially true. What contributed to demise is lack of knowledge, not NoFAP itself - it's like accusing your own life energy for your poor life, while that's not true.
To reboot you have to learn by yourself how to master your focus, examine your thoughts and beliefs, you must have purpose and then have to learn the skills to channel your newly gained seminal energy into the direction/purpose you have. Your reboot demands new you in aspects of thinking, behaving and understading you life.
So we are coming to Universal Laws:
With much awareness about subject of addiction it's easier to forge willpower but it' newer easy - it takes willpower to forge willpower ! (but it's more easy if you know what purpose you love and enjoy and brings you happiness) It takes keeping your decision and sticking to it no matter how much hard feeling and SABOTAGE plays role in (do you remember what I wrote about sabotage?).
Psychology says theres either expression or depression - to both of them contributes this same energy. Difference is between direction (inward-outward).
Without involving this in you reboot, you may end up unhappy with perpetual stuck-like-feeling, and Rocket Fuel fuels your shame,pity, self-doubt, fear, anger, worthlessness feelings making them bigger. All those feelings are part of rebooting but don't make them last for more than they should last. Improper managing can end up in you having depersonalization/derealization disorder. PAWS means being stressed and this stress is sourced in our bio-societal programming. Stress screws up health, poor thoughts and poor actions together with seminal energy can make overwhelmingly big loop of misery.
To sum it up - I'm not anti-sex, I know that sexual intercourse is medicine itself when properly attended and conducted and I miss human connection but sex is not necessary to be happy and fulfilled. Although it can be icing on a cake of a beautiful and well organized life. I'm not telling you to stay isolated or trying to be happy living in a mancave - we are human begins and we need human interactions like air - but we need to be healthy to be that, not be dependant upon them like kids.
I would love to hear from you what are your thoughts and experience in relation to this knowledge.
Tips and things that work for me:
1) Recognizing and maintaining deep and regular sleep ! (CRUCIAL!)
a) drinking plenty of water before sleep and keeping window open to make air circulation and avoid brain fog, last meal 2 hours before sleep
b) quitting screens 2 hours before sleep prior to maintain melatonin release which contributes to regenerative sleep, organizing memory and cleansing brain from toxins,
c) daily meditation before sleep
2) After waking up - meditation, and sometimes journaling, to clear my head and organize my mind,
a) not scrolling in the morning
3) "Letting go" technique to process emotions and map of 'levels of consciousness' made by David R Hawkins (one of most mind altering knowledge I ever attained),
4) Running - to channel my energy,
5) Journaling - life saving thing, also helps in channeling energy,
6) Wim Hof Method and cold showers/cold bath for keeping my nervous system in a relaxed state, getting high on my own supply and exercising willpower,
7) Recognizing conscious and subconsious thinking patterns and results in life,
8) Meditation - releases dopamine and help in focus training, and also calms the mind,
9) Regular Sauna,
10) Forgiveness Meditation - it helps restore harmonious brain waves thus ending conflict and stress,
11) Grounding - spending time in nature, walks in forest, barefoot walking, outdoor water dips, drinking a lot of water, bioeneretic exercises, breathing exercises,
12) Quitting coffee ( it perpetrated my anxiety and lightheadedness, also contributed to lower mood after waking up). I use Yerba mate instead (in moderation),
13) Help of other people, circle of supportive friends,
14) Not being involved in news from the world
15) Learning the subject of neurogenesis, in other words - which environment contribute to our wellbeing and which one is degenerating us,
16) Fasting (it erase urges for some period of time, thus giving a rest),
17) Compassion for self and for others,
18) Uplifting music,
19) Inner Child Work
20) Eating meat in moderation - it helps in grounding,
What I would like to do more/what I miss:
Meet people, dance, paint, have aquarium, attend to Wim Hof journey with Wim itself to Mt. Śnieżka, biking
If you feel that your reboot is too difficult for you and you suffer from PAWS long enough, seek help outside in form of professional therapy ! You may not be able to cope on your own and external help may be necessary ! Addiction is serious thing, don't miss your opportunity and don't waste your time on rebooting alone, without help. It's not shameful to ask for help, it is sign of emotional maturity !
After receiving external help, read my post to add some alternative knowledge to your reboot.
Hi to everyone!
"LT;DR - understand and incorporate necessary attitude, mind and lifestyle changes in your life and reboot, otherwise you may suffer unnecessary and greatly prolong your reboot. View on reboot from the energetic point of view."
I will introduce myself as the one who started NoFAP in 01.2017 and have experienced stress, PAWS and even thinking that NoFAP started to steal joy from my life that is of course addiction speaking, not my true self ! I still experience some PAWS but I want to write overall about PAWS to give hope and encourage to the brave warriors who struggle with PAWS. To the one that know that PAWS ain't no joke. I know how true and painful frustration can be.
This will be about biology, body, mind, beliefs but also about energy. Seminal creative energy that leads to creation of life and sex is powerful and sacred thing. Firstly - only basic and holistical understanding of this thing can lead to better outcome in reboot. There are NECESSARY things to understand while rebooting.
Harsh truth is that to transform addiction we have to go through pain and we have to
fully embody and feel the pain to transform it to energy of life. There is no other paths - this is the one and ultimate path. There is necessary pain to go through but there also can be set of unnecessary obstacles in recovery.
I will divide addiction and reboot mechanism in relation to sex, social and biologial conditioning,
So to start and be simple:
Biological, mind-based mechanism:
PMO and sex with physical partner is to our primal brain no different, PMO is making primal brain thinking that you are constantly reproducing (and having pleasure). Biological conditioning of the brain forces your primal power to maintain this 'reproduction madness' and it forces through stress and urges. The lack of dopamine is causing stress but this mechanism of dopamine-dependent stress is to force you to reproduce. When your feeling of happinesss DEPENDS strictly on external factor and dopamine - so then you are becoming a DEPENDENT kind of a personality, a victim to external circumstaces to make you happy. Lack of dopamine is causing you worse attention or even ADD symptoms, dopamine is required to have better focus and attention. So during PAWS you can experience months of underlying stress, bad sleep, worse memory, worse attention and overall screwed up like life. This is because biological conditioning is creating stress, putting you in a Fight/flight state (or even Freeze) to FORCE you to reproduce and this stress is leading to BAD SLEEP. PROPER SLEEP IS CRUCIAL TO WELLBEING IN LIFE! Bad sleep without deep and powerful regeneration of the brain is leading to dysfunction in the brain and accumulation of toxins due to lack of untinterrupted sleep and more stress and cognitive problems, in results creating more stress and distorting our wellbeing more, and then more stress and even worse sleep.
Societal conditioning:
Sex and reproduction is SUBCONSCIOUSLY linked with our inner conditioning to feeling of succeed, of being a good person, successful male, sex is reward, the most powerful reward in this world. Societally, sex and being in a couple and even in marriage is linked as being good, functional, successful, 'worthy' person of society.BODY AND MIND ARE RELATED IN LOOP.
Societal conditioning:
Sex is mechanism of survival, so with sex comes even feeling of being alive, successfull person - it's the biological conditioning.
Without sex - you can have thoughts of being worthless, unsuccessfull human failure, unworthy of existence, with low mood and depression. It can lead you very much to isolation (and isolation fuels up negative thoughts and feelings). This comes because you are not satisfying biological conditioning patterns. You can even think that without sex you will die or will have poor health. One more time - it's because of deep biological conditioning of our brains to SURVIVE. Those feeling and stress are to FORCE you to reproduce at all costs. It's biology speaking. The same is about anxiety feeling of being alone - in old times it was indicator that you will die. Being excluded from society was like death sentence and because of this we may feel stress when we are long enough lonely/alone. Only until you will recognize biological patterns of your primal brain you can really succeed and not being dependant on 'hapiness and reproduction pattern'. Yes - without sex you can have unhappy life - but only if you are stressing yourself about it - then not lack of sex but stress will cause you mental and health problems. Without choice to have sex or not or living in marriage or not you are slave to biological-based sexual programming.
THIS CAN PAIR WITH THE PREVIOUS LOOP OF STRESS CREATING EVERN BIGGER LOOP OF STRESS. So we can have now 2 loop mechanism creating bigger one.
Addictive mind speaking sabotage:
So to say, what are the qualities of addictive mind ? Addictive mind is a victim to external circumstances, looking for the easiest (not always fair) way to gain pleasure. Addictive mind as victim of circumstances, thus creating VICTIM MENTALITY in you, waiting magically until external conditions will change to make you happy, until the 'salvation from heaven' comes to make you fulfill you purpose. Or you can wait on your reboot helplessly to things 'click' magically into the right setup to be happy and live as you always should. Waiting for reboot to be done is 'addiction victim-mentality' waiting for externals (or internals - like our thoughts) to change and to please us. So then how can you be happy, waiting for the external conditions to magically be set-up for your hapiness, while we are living in a world of constantly changing and evolving forms. Until you will become creator of opportunities you can lead more fulfilling life.
Only until you will be free to be happy and calm without counting on external and internal conditions, then you will be happy.
How can you recognize that your mind sneaked into getting quick fix of pleasure. In other therms, how can you recognize that your mind replaced one addiction to another for purpose of pleasure ? The answer is SABOTAGE. Yes, the sabotage is subconscious mechanism to easely getting pleasure from ruining your life. If you will examine long and deep enough conditioning of your mind, then you will come to a point where you will understand that unfulfilled life, lack of changes and lack of purpose is due to subconscious sabotage of kind of a TROLL in our mind that is happy when you are getting frustrated. SABOTAGE is speaking as inability to perform long term task, such as reboot, exercising, studying ets. Ego is another therm for this troll. David R. Hawkins is writing greatly about this subject. This discovery was a breaking point in my recovery process. You must discover, what really in life makes you happy and fulfilled - its part of succcessfull reboot and no one will do it for you, nor will it magically drop onto you from heaven one day. PURPOSELESS LIFE FOR A MAN IS A MISERABLE ONE. MAN WITHOUT A PURPOSE WILL END INDULGING IN VAIN PLEASURES (as a replacement to purpose). So after setting your purpose you must maintain forging and exercising your WILLPOWER - it simply means keeping your purpose no matter what feelings are telling you. WILLPOWER is like muscle, you can train it - because addict is the one whose will is against him.
And it is possible that this mechanism of sabotage will add to our previous loop made from 2 previous mechanisms - this mean we can have now even bigger loop, made from biological,societal and sabotage programming!
Body and fear:
Fear is greatly perpetrated by weak feeling of your body - this manifests as lack of energy to direct your body to do something. Sports and physical activities helps to reduce fear by letting you feeling better your body. You have anxiety ? Start to train Crossfit or BJJ or even Yoga and watch the miracle happen in your life! Cortisol is opposed to testosterone, so with much fear you will less likely to be masculine, in other hand, sport promotes testosterone secretion ! TIRE YOUR BODY, USE YOUR BODY IN SPORTS AND IT WILL THANK YOU WITH HORMONAL BALANCE AND GOOD HEALTH !
Stress, Depression and underlying causes from previous lifestyle:
Of course, it's very likely that reboot itself will let you discover some underlying frequencies like depression, traumas from bullying, neurosis etc. Seminal energy will fuel this things up to direct your awareness to them maybe for the first time. Be thankful for your reboot and be thankful for your body for this help. These can be also mixed with actual PAWS so it's where the reboot becomes really hard to conduct. When I mean hard - believe me, without enough awareness you can retraumatize yourself or be sucked into PMO addiction. THIS STAGE IS WHERE IT'S EASIEST TO RETURN TO ADDICTION AND IN THIS STAGE I STRONGLY ADVISE YOU TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP TO FIGURE THINGS OUT. I CANNOT STRESS IT MUCH ENOUGH ! SEEK HELP IF YOU FEEL STUCK IN REBOOTING!
You can end up thinking like you developed some PTSD or have and ADD/DDA symptomps. Surely part of rebooting is going through hard symptoms but it's up to you recognizing what is actually PAWS and where are some older underlying issues.
Rebooting may be like opening PANDORAS BOX for the first time, where all the problems were hidden.
Remember, while rebooting all those things are being fueled up by you life force energy !
This is where knowledge about reboot and evolution to being freed from biological conditioning serves you. Because we are biological but also spirit beings.
So with reboot and PAWS you can experience low mood, depression, irritability, stress, bad sleep and all of them can create loop without you knowing it, thus it can contribute greatly to your miserable feelings, but what is more important, you thoughts may become low, apathetic, angry and hopeless.
Why subject of thoughts is crucial to reboot and how it is linked with seminal energy ?
Here comes the deeper insight !
The Seminal Energy aka Rocket Fuel
The Seminal Energy aka Rocket Fuel
Why some rebooters are reporting GOD MODE while many others can stuck in miserable, low life of constant rebooting ? The difference is in mental attitude boosted by Rocket Fuel Seminal Energy. Abstaining from sexual activity gives you gain in energy reservoirs, thus then semen becomes fuel to your life, thoughts and actions. What thoughts do you have - that kind of life you will have. Seminal energy is neutral.
Without being aware of your deep thoughts, purposes and motivations you will lead life by accident. Not having direction and purpose will lead you to fuel-up your based on unhappiness and being unworthy sexual-biological-societal ridden conditioning. You will be victim to your own bio-mind scripts. Rocket Fuel only helps you to see them by fueling them, thus making them bigger and more observable. You wanna know what hidden thoughts and purposes you have ? Look at your actions and results in life - they speaks truly, by themselves. Learn how to cultivate noble, life serving thoughts instead of miserable ones, full of fear and anger. Learning to thinking differently is similar as learning other things but self discovery contributes greatly in changing thinking patterns.With new kind of life serving thoughts powered by life force, you will become master/knight/super sayian or whatewer you wanna be. Examinating and mastering your thoughts is crucial part of rebooting - without it rebooting may become failure.
'What is the purpose of my thinking' - ask youself many times a day.
Seminal energy itself is powerful like a volcano and it takes time to recognize and learn how to manage this volcano. Building up this energy without proper mastering will lead you to feeling of uneasiness, tiredness, tensions in the body and feeling like your head might explode (tensions in the head/racing thoughts/brain fog). Flow in you body and in your life will stop. You will feel like you are stuck and this stuck feeling and situation is fueled by volcanic-like force of your semen. Your life force will be bottled-up increasing tesion, waiting to explode (i.e. in anger).WITHOUT PROPER MASTERING AND CHANNELING YOUR VOLCANIC ENERGY YOU MAY END UP WITH SYMPTOMS LIKE THIS:
1. Unmanageable tension in the body.
2. Brain fog.
3. Depersonalization/derealization sydrome.
4. Inability to focus aka ADD
5. Racing thoughts.
6. Being ungrounded, not in the body, not in the world
If you had some previous health issues like PTSD, you may end up in really screwed up position, thinking that NoFAP contributed to your demise. This is only partially true. What contributed to demise is lack of knowledge, not NoFAP itself - it's like accusing your own life energy for your poor life, while that's not true.
To reboot you have to learn by yourself how to master your focus, examine your thoughts and beliefs, you must have purpose and then have to learn the skills to channel your newly gained seminal energy into the direction/purpose you have. Your reboot demands new you in aspects of thinking, behaving and understading you life.
Channeling is conscious putting energy into action while mastering is a process of maintaining conscious constant wielding of channeling practice. It's like gaining new skills. Running, writing, learning, playing guitar, talking, painting, building house, repairing car, creating new solutions for problems, meeting new people is channeling. Go and figure out where you can channel your energy and how to do it, there are no recipes ready and waiting for you - attend it as an adventure! Recognizing your thought patterns is channeling your energy/focusing you awareness to do it. Directing your focus and attention is channeling your energy.So we are coming to Universal Laws:
Energy follows attention
I.e. If you indulge in dirty thoughts you will relapse - this is this law in action.You become what you think
Constant indulging in dirty thoughts will make your life miserable, isn't it ?The difference between burden and bliss in life is where your life energy and focus is consciously AND subconciously directed.
Channeling your energy will help you to become more calm during reboot, better sleep, have more clear head. Channeling is making your life force flow again, so it will not end bottled-up in you. But heres the trap - don't wait for your life force/willingness to happen magically to live - instead engage in some channeling actions of your choice to wake up energy flow! Waiting is victim-mentality addiction speaking. Action and channeling demands to learn yourself to be brave. According to knowledge of David R Hawkins - only from the level of braveness kundalini energy starts to flow - its another Universal Law. Harsh truth is that mastering and channeling demands forging your WILLPOWER while being an addict means being slave.With much awareness about subject of addiction it's easier to forge willpower but it' newer easy - it takes willpower to forge willpower ! (but it's more easy if you know what purpose you love and enjoy and brings you happiness) It takes keeping your decision and sticking to it no matter how much hard feeling and SABOTAGE plays role in (do you remember what I wrote about sabotage?).
Psychology says theres either expression or depression - to both of them contributes this same energy. Difference is between direction (inward-outward).
4) Greater Purpose/ Soul connection:
This one is necessary, to feel deeper connection with the world, your place and life itself. Finding one's soul is one of the Hero's Journey thing.5) Motivation:
Understand that no one will come to save you, will decide and will keep decision and actions for you. No one can stop you from owning your life ! Understand that there are always consequences, either if we choose for something or we are scared to choose for something - there's always consequences of our action/inaction. Not deciding will not save you from suffering consequences ! Enjoy the pain and joy of self-development or suffer the pain and consequences of being a slave to your biology and mind! Man-fucking-up!IF NO ONE TOLD YOU THAT YOU CAN AND SHOULD ACT IN THE WORLD AND LIVE YOUR LIFE - THEN I'M DOING IT FOR YOU - YOU ARE LOVABLE, WORTHY AND UNIQUE HUMAN BEGING READY TO GO OUT TO THE WORLD AND LIVE YOUR LIFE ! GO AND CONQUER YOUR LIFE !
You must recognize where is stress, how to overcome it, how does the sabotage works, where are the stress loops in your life. To put it simply - you must fully recognize situation in your life with every factors involved - the more the better. Or to put it defferently - to recognize fully tactics and fields of your enemy.YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING ON YOUR OWN, IF YOU FEEL YOU NEED HELP, THEN REACH OUT FOR HELP. ADDICTION IS NOT A JOKE, SOMETIMES PRIDE OF OVERCOMING THIS BURDEN ALONE CAN COST MUCH MORE THAN REACHNG FOR HELP ! I LEARNED IT HARD WAY !
Without involving this in you reboot, you may end up unhappy with perpetual stuck-like-feeling, and Rocket Fuel fuels your shame,pity, self-doubt, fear, anger, worthlessness feelings making them bigger. All those feelings are part of rebooting but don't make them last for more than they should last. Improper managing can end up in you having depersonalization/derealization disorder. PAWS means being stressed and this stress is sourced in our bio-societal programming. Stress screws up health, poor thoughts and poor actions together with seminal energy can make overwhelmingly big loop of misery.
PAWS symptoms means that real rewiring of brain is happening.
Inform yourself, reach for help, this reboot is demanding new you ! You will not overcome this addiction with staying in the same place !If you feel that this can help to some others Fapstronauts, please share it wider/ on reddit etc.
To sum it up - I'm not anti-sex, I know that sexual intercourse is medicine itself when properly attended and conducted and I miss human connection but sex is not necessary to be happy and fulfilled. Although it can be icing on a cake of a beautiful and well organized life. I'm not telling you to stay isolated or trying to be happy living in a mancave - we are human begins and we need human interactions like air - but we need to be healthy to be that, not be dependant upon them like kids.
I would love to hear from you what are your thoughts and experience in relation to this knowledge.
Tips and things that work for me:
1) Recognizing and maintaining deep and regular sleep ! (CRUCIAL!)
a) drinking plenty of water before sleep and keeping window open to make air circulation and avoid brain fog, last meal 2 hours before sleep
b) quitting screens 2 hours before sleep prior to maintain melatonin release which contributes to regenerative sleep, organizing memory and cleansing brain from toxins,
c) daily meditation before sleep
2) After waking up - meditation, and sometimes journaling, to clear my head and organize my mind,
a) not scrolling in the morning
3) "Letting go" technique to process emotions and map of 'levels of consciousness' made by David R Hawkins (one of most mind altering knowledge I ever attained),
4) Running - to channel my energy,
5) Journaling - life saving thing, also helps in channeling energy,
6) Wim Hof Method and cold showers/cold bath for keeping my nervous system in a relaxed state, getting high on my own supply and exercising willpower,
7) Recognizing conscious and subconsious thinking patterns and results in life,
8) Meditation - releases dopamine and help in focus training, and also calms the mind,
9) Regular Sauna,
10) Forgiveness Meditation - it helps restore harmonious brain waves thus ending conflict and stress,
11) Grounding - spending time in nature, walks in forest, barefoot walking, outdoor water dips, drinking a lot of water, bioeneretic exercises, breathing exercises,
12) Quitting coffee ( it perpetrated my anxiety and lightheadedness, also contributed to lower mood after waking up). I use Yerba mate instead (in moderation),
13) Help of other people, circle of supportive friends,
14) Not being involved in news from the world
15) Learning the subject of neurogenesis, in other words - which environment contribute to our wellbeing and which one is degenerating us,
16) Fasting (it erase urges for some period of time, thus giving a rest),
17) Compassion for self and for others,
18) Uplifting music,
19) Inner Child Work
20) Eating meat in moderation - it helps in grounding,
What I would like to do more/what I miss:
Meet people, dance, paint, have aquarium, attend to Wim Hof journey with Wim itself to Mt. Śnieżka, biking
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