So it’s been 2.75 months since DDay. I have a lot of friends that are supportive And helping me through this. And I’m not quiet about what happened. There is not one of my friends… And we are all nurses… So we are used to gross stuff. There is not one of us out of probably 20-30 friends that actually like the stuff they show on porn. Only one actually admits to liking giving blowjobs. And she doesn’t like the cum in her mouth. We do not like the come all over our faces. We don’t like it in our hair. Porn is completely fake. Those sounds that they make are probably to deal with the pain in the receiving from the giant penis in their vagina or anus. It does not feel good to them.!! It’s only about the guys pleasure seeing it from the guys viewpoint. I just hope all of you really know that. It is not making you a better lover to watch that and demonstrate that on your SO’s. In fact… It makes you shitty lovers. If you are able to make an intimate connection and really ask what your significant other likes/doesn’t like and read her like a book that’s the way to make great love! I’m still really too pissed off to read anything on Nofap but I really felt like sharing this. And I realize I am using a lot of general statements and maybe not everybody feels like this. Maybe some girls like to be done the porn way. I don’t know. I’m just saying that the circles that I run in?’s basically sexual abuse. And it’s disgusting.